Guy Kawasaki – maybe you’ve heard the name? Google it happily otherwise. He is Apple’s first “evangelist”. It was perhaps with him the title was invented.
He spent the years 1984 to 1987 to convince programmers to make software for the Macintosh instead of Windows-based IBM.
The role was particularly important because at that the time was about to stop the world domination that IBM was building.
Kawasaki job turned out was childishly simple. People quickly saw how the barren MS DOS paled in comparison Mac OS clear interface.
There and then formed two camps, and although Microsoft will soon also had its graphical interface so have these camps survived.
least one of the camps. It was a position to choose Macs over others.
Apple has had crises since – been close to going under even – but thanks to his faithful entourage managed to survive.
they are called “the Cult of Mac” – Macsekten.
of course, even the most loyal followers falters in his faith at the great falls, but Apple has periodically given them water for their mill through relatively breakthrough innovation (or just bolder solutions to others’ innovations).
Colorful computers, iPod, iTunes, and of course the all-time greatest hit, the iPhone.
READ ALSO: Apple continues to back
I agree on many of Apple’s launch event each year. Later this June in San Francisco on what is called the World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC). This is where you see today’s cult crowd after successfully overcome the coveted spots.
Well, people talk. They wonder when the next big thing coming. (Is it a car?)
But it was also found that the news presented was the biggest in a long time.
What it was? Better opportunities for programmers to create apps for Apple’s various products.
Culten was satisfied – Wall Street mumbled innovation deficiency.
One should of course not detract from Wall Street Power. It starts to go down and talk about the new CEO “Tim Cook certainly not as driven as Steve Jobs was” it’s easy that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Shareholders today is volatile people in hunting constantly growing assets. It’s the same for everyone, but the bigger you are, the heavier you fall.
Apple’s profit was thus 27 percentage points below the second quarter of this year (split financial year) compared to the same quarter last year.
the profit is now “only” 67.4 billion kronor, compared with 92.3 last year.
Many of Apple wants for sure that it was 2007 again. The year they released the Iphone and put the whole phone market upside down. But it will not even Wall Street analysts expect to be repeated.
Now that the Chinese telecom giant Huawei also become a factor in the smartphone industry, competition is heavier than ever. This applies not only Apple but also Samsung, Sony and HTC.
Add to this that more keep their phones longer, often for two years according to their 24-month contracts with the operators. In addition, prices go down (finally) to which the revenue per unit will be lower.
Yes, Apple’s heyday from that point is probably over. It has probably been over for a while, honestly.
But the quarterly report also showed was that Apple’s service is growing significantly. Revenues by Apple Music, app sales and new apple pay grew overall by 19 percent.
It is strong even by Wall Street standards to say that the world’s largest ongoing business is “out”. Many take only enough opportunity to balance its very long-tailed tribute coverage of Apple, now that the opportunity still be given.
I choose to see what happens within the sect. It has worked since the 80s – and there seems to be the mood remains good.