Saturday, November 29, 2014

Energy waste in passive – New Technology


Helena Karresand have studied how life looks like in passive and notes in his thesis that more could be done to facilitate an energy efficient living for tenants.

For example, did the tenants that their equipment housing had put there often was the energy thieves. These included digital boxes and dryer.

– I interviewed 14 families and virtually all wished they could dry their laundry on otherwise than by drying. In many cases, there was not sufficient space to hang laundry, says Helena Karresand in a press release.

In passive houses are no heater. Instead utilized waste heat from appliances and humans for heating. This means that tenants must use electrical appliances for it not to be too cold indoors.

Not to electricity should have consumed to get warm indoor suggest Helena Karresand to district heating or other environmentally friendly energy sources are used to supplement the heating of passive houses.

She also thinks that the housing should be better at finding out what the tenants needs are and how they act. In this way, even more energy could be saved.

– Those who live in the houses are experts and know where the needs are. The housing should invite them to a dialogue in support of an energy efficient living even inside the house, she said.

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Thursday, November 27, 2014

EU presses Google – Dagens Industri


The witness: “Everything happened very quickly” – Norrköping Newspapers

It’s the ultimate nightmare: You go and lie in bed and suddenly opens up a hole in the floor. It was exactly what happened Floridabon Jeff Bush on February 28 last year. His body was buried under the rubble and was never found. 37-year-old had fallen victim to a sinkhole, or, as it is really called, a instörtningsdolin.

Full equally dramatic scenes took place may not be on campus in Linköping on Wednesday night, when a cracked sewer pipes orsakadeett two meters deep sinkhole on campus. But for those who saw when a lamppost outside Kårallen swallowed up by the earth, it was dramatic enough.

– Everything happened very quickly. It quickly began to fill with water. Then disappeared lamppost also said Mrs Malmrud.

Police were called to the scene and soon the staff from the technology departments in place. An area around the two meter deep hole was sealed off and soon it was found that there was a sewer which sprung a leak. The wastewater had undermined the ground.

According to Goran Carlzon, press officer for Technical works, it will likely take several days to fix the leak. The tube, having a diameter of 80 centimeters, five meters into the ground. A pumping plant looks, however, that the water flow is stopped.

– We have there a really big excavator. Before we get down and look, we can not say exactly what happened.

Fortunately happened to the ground open up right where it stood a lamppost. It may have prevented a serious accident.

– Street lamp continued to shine for a while and it was great because then people saw the hole.

An area around the hole was on Thursday cordoned off and according to the technology departments, there should not be any risk for there to be more sinkholes.

– It is under control. It can crumble a bit around the hole, but the area is cordoned off, says Göran Carlzon.

Wednesday sinkhole would be unthinkable without human interference. But there is no risk of natural sinkhole in Östergötland? We asked Charlotte Cederbom, head of the Swedish Geotechnical Institute in Linköping.

– In Sweden we have a crystalline, hard rock and therefore we have not the type of sinkhole as we can see in other countries. It is not at all the same type of processes that we can get in loose soils that can be undermined.

in Östergötland can sleep well?

– Yes , clean sinkholes, such as talking about abroad, is quite incredible in Sweden. The type of foundation to build and be on, we have not here.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Prince disappears from the Web – Aftonbladet

Snipp, snapping, cop.

So where social media-end of the story.

artist Prince , 58, has picked away their accounts on Facebook and Twitter, as well as a lot of videos from Youtube.

Prince has not yet given any explanation as to why he no longer going to share with the world their thoughts in cyberspace, reports NME.

His spokesperson also declined to comment.

Last month, took the Prince of time for a little Q & A with fans on Facebook. However, he chose to only respond to one of the nearly 4,000 questions, it had to sound frequencies to do.


Prince leaves the Internet – Västerbotten Courier

About a year ago, the artist Prince unexpected entrance on twitter. But now he seems again to have had enough of the Internet – according to The Guardian Princes official Facebook, Instagram- and Twitter accounts deleted, while all the music disappeared from his Soundcloud page and most of his videos have been removed from Youtube.

The artist’s spokespeople declined to comment on the sudden disappearance from the web.

Prince has previously had a complex relationship to the internet and has also said that the worldwide computer network is completely passé. He has also tried to sue fans who fildelat bootlegs and he has also threatened to sue Youtube and Ebay.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Digital Healthcare and cyber attacks on hospitals –

But digitization a price.

The very next year half of all health care organizations have experienced between one and five cyber attacks, trace IDC, in the ten new projections of health care.

– The idea is that the forecasts will support the decisions that need to be taken and that will affect many organizations, says Scott Lundstrom, who is an analyst at IDC.

The survey shows that 15 percent of all hospitals will have a uniform profile of their patients, which makes it possible, for example, personalize treatments.

80 percent of all healthcare organizations pass through the cloud, where it is also used for analysis and decision making.

Furthermore, IDC expects that 65 percent of all consumer transactions with healthcare organizations will be mobile in 2018. It leads to a majority, 70 percent, are investing in apps that different types of portable technology, including remote medicine.

A full 50 percent of all big data, will be used for different types of routine case management


Bo turns on research grants – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

After the 2008 financial crisis gave the then government of the state innovation agency Vinnova, the task of launching a major research project on financial markets. An appropriation of EUR 30 million annually deposited, from which among other colleges and universities could apply for money.

But with a new government in Rosenbad got new instructions.

In its budget reduced appropriations to 20 million next year and then disappear completely. The decision was met with criticism from several heavy scientists. One of those who has reacted strongly Mats Wilhelmsson, Professor at the Centre for Banking and Finance at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

– There has been met with dismay. We have, as we know it has entered into a contract with the State regarding the financing, he says to Swedish Radio.

The criticism seems to have given results. Now turn namely Per Bolund, Finance Minister (MP), and suddenly opens for continued funding.

– Now we have taken some of the concerns and criticisms that have emerged. Now we will produce an impact assessment to see what impact this can have and how they then can be counteracted, says Per Bolund to Swedish Radio and continues:

– There’s a lot of research money since previously in the state, so it would be if you could find the money that way or if there are private interests that can go in.

Mats Wilhelmsson, that society has everything to gain that the research progresses.

– The type of research that has more investigative in nature have difficulty finding financing. For us it’s about regulatory framework for financial advice, for example. We have projects that focus on debt and over-indebtedness and adolescents who take SMS loans. There may be research that is important for society but as the industry, the big banks or others are interested in funding, he says to Swedish Radio.

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Freemium is no longer free under Apple – Gamereactor Sweden

In what must be regarded as a step in the right direction, Apple has decided that freemium games may no longer be marketed as free trade button in the App Store. Now it instead “GET” instead of “FREE”. Freemium has famously been very controversial among gamers (which even South Park recently thought to), and this can of course be seen as a sign that Apple will agree that freemium rarely is especially free of charge.

There are countless shocking example of how wrong it may be like in EA’s Dungeon Keeper, but there are still plenty of people who do not understand the concept, and ruining themselves to what they think is free. If the new label change this remains to be seen, but it’s a good start, do not you think?

“GET” instead of “FREE”

Gas terminals will reduce Russia Dependence – New Technology


Taavi Rõivas, Prime Minister of Estonia, and Alexander Stubb, Finland’s Prime Minister agrees that by 2019 construction of two natural gas terminals, one in each country. Storage The stations will be linked by a pipeline.

The project is called Balticonnector and aims to reduce dependence on Russia, which today is the largest supplier of natural gas in both countries.

According to the Estonian news service ERR News, it is likely that the EU will support the project financially.

The largest gas terminal will be built in Finland, while a smaller storage unit will be built in Estonia. Allegedly, they should also be able to be linked to underground gas terminals in Latvia.

The investment in liquefied natural gas, LNG, is expected to cost around 500 million euros, or about 4.5 billion.

Critical voices have been raised in Estonia to Finland gets its gas from Russia, and that Russian dependence thus remains. But Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas do not agree with, he called the agreement a triumph.

– The management reduces the Estonian and Baltic dependence on Russian gas, the gas can not be shut down for political reasons. There is progress, says Roivas.

LNG stands for “Liquefied Natural Gas” is gas that has been cooled down and converted into liquid shape to allow for the transport or storage


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Many vying for EU energy money – Hufvudstadsbladet

 LNG gas reaches Finland through tankers. Gas terminal and gas pipe means that Finland can reduce its dependence on Russian gas. Photo: Gasum.

The political compromise on a terminal for liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the Gulf generally follows the European Commission’s support requirements. But more than 200 projects competing for six billion euros, so the support is far from certain.

The European Commission has on several occasions asked Finland and Estonia come agree on where the Gulf of large terminal for liquefied natural gas to be built. That it will be Finland’s parties now agree, the place of posting is however still open.

Open is also the project really going to get support from the EU. The program, Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) in which the parties hope to find funding have been cut sharply in connection with the EU’s budget slashed. Now competing over 200 projects for scarce 6 billion spread over seven years.

European parliamentarians Nils Torvalds (SFP) says that the LNG terminal is a good project, but that the EU -means not mean safe. This applies to lobby actively and emphasize the need to link the Finnish gas market to the Central European and Poland, he points out.

– When the pie gets smaller, it is harder to get money, says Torvalds.

A large gas terminal in Finland cost about 400 million euros, the gas pipe that would tie together the natural gas markets in Finland and Estonia, just under 100 million to.

– The project must be economically viable and that it will be the need we get enough support for the construction of the EU, says Gasum CEO Johanna Lamminen .

The timetable is fast. In the agreement, Prime Minister Alexander Stubb (Coalition) and Prime Minister of Estonia Taavi Rõivas announced on Monday it is said that the implementation of the project has not been sufficient progress by the end of 2016, the terminal can be built in Estonia.

– The planning of the terminal is progressing now, later, we have an opportunity to apply for EU funding, says Industry Council Herkko Plit on the Economy.

Big step forward
The next opportunity to apply for financial aid in the spring, but in the CEF are several application opportunities per year. How much support for the LNG terminal might be want Plit not speculate, for pipe Baltic Connector, he expects a support rate of 75 percent. The pipeline is scheduled to be completed 2019th

– When the project has political support, it is easier to apply for EU funding, says Plit.

He describes Monday’s agreement as a major step forward . It means that the main LNG terminal being built in Finland. The Estonian terminal is being built mainly for gas distribution and to ensure the country’s food security. There is a terminal in the same size class as the Finnish terminals in Pori and Tornio.

The idea is to extend the gas network in the Baltics so that Finland has access to the natural gas stored in Latvia’s underground gas storage.

In addition to the EU to the gas company Gasum, which the state now has a majority stake, to help finance the LNG terminal. A possible direct state support will be dependent on the government that is added after the spring election.

Gasum Lamminen denotes Monday’s agreement positive and notes that the company continues to pursue the project.

– Both Conclude and Tolkkinen is still relevant for locating, she says.

What to do
Before one can seek support from the EU must in all cases both the placement and the place of the terminal’s size to be completed. The final investment decision making Gasum only after the EU’s state aid decision is in port.

Markus will be affected according Lamminen addition to the support of the market. It is important that the natural gas market development, while it is also important that the shipping and transport have access to LNG.

– There are many factors affecting says Lamminen.

The state is now majority owner of Gasum. In early November, the government purchased Fortum and German energy giant Eon shares and now owns three-quarters of the company.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Google’s tribute – the polka pig’s creator – Expressen

Today had polka pig’s creator, Amalia Eriksson, aged 190 years.

When she was hailed with a picture of sökjätten Google’s first page, writes Jönköping-Posten.

Today, November 18, 2014, Amalia Eriksson would have turned 190 years. Amalia Eriksson is known as polka pig’s creator and the woman who put Gränna on the world map.

Amalia Eriksson was born in Jönköping in 1824 and grew up in Gränna. According to the site She was single at the age of 34 and fed off then on producing confectionary for funerals, baptisms and weddings. It was also at this time she began making Polkagrisar which initially looked like “gizmos”.

On Tuesday hailed her deed on sökjätten Google homepage. Instead of the traditional logo Swedish visitors could see a woman with a classic candy cane in his hands. A Tribute to Amalia 190 anniversary.

1859 got Amalia Eriksson according permission of Magistrate in Gränna that “here in the city such as resources by their own hands carry Bakery Management of coarse and fine breads and produce the so-called “Polkagrisar.”

The city’s then-mayor Carl Johan Wennberg, wrote in a letter in which he made it possible for Amalia to full time making and selling candy canes.

In 2014 manufactured polka pigs in Gränna largely in the same manner as in Amalia’s days. According said to Amalia’s original recipe started as a remedy for the daughter Ida colds.


Quick focus on mobiles with new Sony sensor – Camera & Photo

The new Exmor RS IMX230, which Sony has developed, is called a stacked sensor which means that they placed their BSI pixels on top of themselves signalutläsningskretsen. This means that the sensor is more compact than a conventional sensor.

What is unique about this sensor is that it has phase detection focus points on the sensor. The entire 192 pieces to be exact. Along with signalutläsningen this means that the sensor will be able to deliver the focus speeds similar to the mirrorless system cameras today. IMX230 will also be able to supply the following auto focus. The sensor’s resolution will end on 21 megapixels.

The sensor will also be able to produce films in 4K with the HDR effect that enhances the tonal range of the film. This will provide much higher image quality for both video and still images as HDR effect will also be available for those who just want to take one box at a time.

The sensor will be ready to start tucked into cell phones in April next year.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Series creator reveals which character is the lowest on the scale. – Metro

Published: November 14

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

ISP Bahnhof uses a technical solution to come … – Helsingborgs Dagblad

Stockholm Published November 16, 2014 at. 05:06

ISP Bahnhof uses a technical solution to get around the law on data storage.

The solution, which the company calls “Plan B” is to users surf through a foundation, reports Swedish Radio P1 program Calibre.

According to the directive on data retention in Sweden, companies need to store data about who is surfing and e-mailing for the authorities to solve and prevent crime.

Critics argue, however, that it actually moves on mass surveillance, and last spring gave the EU court them right when it held that the Data Retention Directive was an excessive intrusion into people’s private lives. But still apply Swedish law under Swedish court.

Bahnhofs solution involves users will be able to press a button that makes them rather than surfing through an anonymization.

– The is a technical solution that enables us to begin the data store, but still, our customers avoid data storage, says the company’s communications manager Jon grounded into Calibre.



Friday, November 14, 2014

Business leaders flaws in security – Computer Sweden

Anna Barkevall, which is the business development manager at the company, is concerned about the survey results.

– It appears , for example, that 25 percent of respondents do not even know if there is a plan for restoration. It makes me concerned because it still is management who are held accountable by the media and the market once something happens, she says.

Survey shows to such that average drop after a data breach is around eight percent and that it takes an average of five months to recover from a data breach.

She has some objections to the survey, not only applies to conditions in Sweden.

– We do a better safety in Sweden than what the survey shows. Security issues start coming up more managerial in Swedish companies.
 In contrast, seems to Swedish companies have a somewhat limited view of what the intellectual capital consists of.

– The intellectual capital consists not only of patents and the like, but also more concrete things like business plans, price lists and packaging offerings. Sometimes I get the feeling that Swedish companies handle these somewhat naively. The necessary precautions are missing sometimes in Swedish culture.

The study was conducted in September and includes people at the management who lack formal security responsibility in companies with more than 500 employees in Australia , France, Germany, Hong Kong, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hagaborg School Sweden’s best eco building – Swedish Radio

Hagaborg School in Karlstad has received an award as the best environmental building in Sweden in 2014. The school is energy efficient and has solar panels that supply the building with electricity.

The windows visors controlled by the power of the appliance, wind and temperature, and on the school’s roof, there are plants fixing atmospheric pollutants, insulates and dampens noise.

According to the jury’s verdict has created a” school environment that is model for the rest of the nation’s schools. “

Hagaborg school is newly built and is the first building in Värmland, which is certified according to Green Building Gold.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Expect continued attacks on hotel networks – Computer Sweden

Dark Hotel is proper name of a loose-knit organization whose purpose is to through unsuspecting managers get into the corporate network. The hackers begin to get into the hotels local network so as to get further into the guests’ corporate networks.

This is done through traditional methods such as phishing through e-mail or to attract hotel guests to visit various peer-2-peer sites, often with adult content. The survey shows that the hacker activities of this kind is most common in Asian hotels, but they also exist in European countries.

– Our investigation shows that a Japanese P2P Packages with adult content was downloaded 30,000 times in six months, said David Emm, who is security researcher at Kaspersky Lab in the UK.

Hacker Activity The object is So people high-level organizations, which often live in upscale hotels and expect that networks are secure. But David Emm recalls that the hotel industry often lack technical experience.

– Previously, hotels offer services like photocopying and faxing. Today, the internet.

Sometimes a hotels provide Ipads for its guests during their stay.

– Newly discovered a colleague that in Ipadsen were the previous visitors’ passwords cashed. Not so good.

Kaspersky Lab received widespread media dissemination of its report and it has been labeled a certain decline of activities in the Dark Hotel.

– But it is most likely just a temporary downturn.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Teens are night owls – Swedish Radio

From sometime in the age of nine starts kids to bed later and later in the evenings even though the need for sleep actually increases as children enter puberty.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Facebook’s data center in miniature at the House of Technology in Luleå – Swedish Radio

The mining industry, space and the forest industry is already represented in the House of Technology in Luleå. But after the establishment of the US computer giant Facebook’s data centers are now also a data center in miniature.

But it was a challenge to make the new industry intelligible in an exhibition, says project Britt-Marie Forslund at House of Technology.

– Then you have to go back to our own audience who is from the smallest to interested adults. In this case it is a new phenomenon that is hard to explain, perhaps especially for adults who may not connect it to their own everyday technology, she says.

The exhibition can be using puzzle pieces to build together a server with its various components, see it up close and even see how data traffic travels across the world in fiber optic cables, as well as how the temperature is controlled at the server halls. As a funny thing, you can also take a Selfie posted on a screen in the room.

At the opening ceremony today were representatives of the business community and the local authority in place, school children and of course the US computer giant Facebook who gave the thumbs up and pressed in the context inescapable like button.

Facebook who established large server rooms in Dubai to take care of their users’ data traffic in the social network. And it was the company itself that came up with the idea to do an exhibition of Norrbotten’s new industrial, says Facebook’s site manager in Lulea Joel Stewart.

– We saw the House of Technology represented the entire Norrbotten with all industries there and we thought that we should also be represented as an industry that is growing in Norrbotten, Joel Stewart who hope that the exhibition will help to generate interest in working in the industry.

This weekend is the free entrance to the exhibition in the House of Technology in Luleå.


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Android guru Andy Rubin leaves Google – Computer Sweden

Andy Rubin founded a company called Android, which Google bought in 2005 for its mobile operating system. Android has since grown to become the world’s most widely used mobile operating system.

Last year was moved However, Rubin from the Android team and became head of Google’s robot projects. He tasks were taken over by Sundar Pichai, who today leads the development of Android, Apps, Chrome, and other related products.

The reason for Rubin’s departure is unclear, but may have to do with the work of his team at Google. Rubin will instead result in an incubator company for hardware company and will be replaced by James Kuffner, who is a researcher and developer and a member of Google’s robot team.

A spokesperson for the Google has confirmed Rubin’s departure, but declined further comment.

– I wish Andy all the best in what he does. With Android, he created something sensational, with over a billion satisfied users, Google CEO Larry Page in a statement.

Rubin led the last Google’s purchase of Boston Dynamics. He severance occurs while Google is making radical changes at the managerial side, where Sundar Pichai assumes an operational leadership role for the products and development. At the same time, then Page to focus more on strategic development.

Pichai will lead the research, development, and products such as maps, Google+ and e-commerce. All executives who previously reported to Page reports now to Pichai. Even robots can fall below Pichais management, which in practice would mean that he will become head of the former Rubin’s responsibilities.
