Sunday, November 9, 2014

Facebook’s data center in miniature at the House of Technology in Luleå – Swedish Radio

The mining industry, space and the forest industry is already represented in the House of Technology in Luleå. But after the establishment of the US computer giant Facebook’s data centers are now also a data center in miniature.

But it was a challenge to make the new industry intelligible in an exhibition, says project Britt-Marie Forslund at House of Technology.

– Then you have to go back to our own audience who is from the smallest to interested adults. In this case it is a new phenomenon that is hard to explain, perhaps especially for adults who may not connect it to their own everyday technology, she says.

The exhibition can be using puzzle pieces to build together a server with its various components, see it up close and even see how data traffic travels across the world in fiber optic cables, as well as how the temperature is controlled at the server halls. As a funny thing, you can also take a Selfie posted on a screen in the room.

At the opening ceremony today were representatives of the business community and the local authority in place, school children and of course the US computer giant Facebook who gave the thumbs up and pressed in the context inescapable like button.

Facebook who established large server rooms in Dubai to take care of their users’ data traffic in the social network. And it was the company itself that came up with the idea to do an exhibition of Norrbotten’s new industrial, says Facebook’s site manager in Lulea Joel Stewart.

– We saw the House of Technology represented the entire Norrbotten with all industries there and we thought that we should also be represented as an industry that is growing in Norrbotten, Joel Stewart who hope that the exhibition will help to generate interest in working in the industry.

This weekend is the free entrance to the exhibition in the House of Technology in Luleå.


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