Thursday, December 18, 2014

Prosecutors will take up the case with women’s registry – Swedish Radio

– I started a preliminary investigation yesterday. It is at a very early stage. Since it is a fact that our investigations we try to keep the confidentiality of investigations, said chief prosecutor Eva Finne.

After the Echo revealed on Tuesday, Stockholm police for ten years secretly recorded women who reported that they had been beaten, also began regulator Datainspektionen an investigation.

The echo has today reported on the extensive research conducted on, among other materials from Södertörn Police Women registers.

The studies have since become scientific articles published in international journals. One of the researchers, Professor Henrik Belfrage, sees no problem in the material comes from the controversial police record.

– It’s really good I’ll tell you. One of the articles you mention here, where it was found that when using the structured assessment instrument so did it up more cases, more people got more protection and assistance. That is more vulnerable traumatized victims have to obtain in some cases even get to live on, he said.

Since echo noticed that some of the studies carried out without the so-called ethical approval has been Professor Henrik Belfrage in an article in Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet wrote that media reports about women’s registry is the biggest setback to protect abused women in modern times.

The echo has been in contact with several women included in the secret registry. None of them have been asked, and they do not even know that they were part of the research. Associate Professor Susanne Strand is co-author of research articles.

– To my knowledge it is not that we have mixed up some outsiders on these issues, she says.

Do women that you have researched, that you have researched about them?

– No, I think not, says Susanne Beach.

Anitha Bondestam has been the Director General of the Data Inspection She has also served as chairman of what is now called Security and Integrity and also the deputy chairman of the supervisory authority shall review research in Sweden.

According Bondestam it is obvious that researchers, in addition to ethical state, also would have cleared the women in the registry.

– Liver they should, of course, to ask them first, she says.

It did not do this, what does it mean?

– It is clear that you can not have this kind of records that you share, unless you have asked those terms.


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