Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Volvo is the first Nvidia’s supercomputer Drive PX 2 – makes the car autonomic – Auto Motor & Sport

The Las Vegas presents Nvidia a new supercomputer that is ten times faster than its predecessor. The processing power needed to make the soul driving, autonomous cars safe and make decisions faster than humans can. Volvo Cars is the first company to use the NVIDIA Drive PX second


It was Nvidia began the press conference at the Consumer Electronics Show, CES, in Las Vegas. CEO Jen-Hsun Huang announced a new computer model that took a huge performance leap and allows for autonomous cars. The first customer is Volvo Cars to test Nvidia’s “Drive PX 2″ in a hundred XC90 that will be test run in Sweden.

Nvidia Drive PX 2 can make 24 trillion calculations per second (one trillion is 10 raised to 12 , a million million). In the computer, as the surface is not larger than a lunchbox, are twelve water-cooled processor cores that provide a capacity of 150 pieces MacBook Pro laptops.

The enormous processing power needed to handle up to twelve video cameras with laser or radar technology. From this enormous amount of image information to be Nvidia’s computer to create a complete picture of the traffic environment in front, behind and around the car – and then make exactly the right decisions at lightning speed. Drive PX 2 can follow 36,000 points in a 3D environment and update the information eight times a second.

According to Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang’s processing power so quick to Drive PX 2 is faster at reading signs than humans. By using rear-facing cameras do not need mirrors in glass, video cameras creates a much better and safer rearward visibility. “The door mirrors are history,” as Jen-Hsun Huang put it at the press conference in Las Vegas.

Nvidia has developed a number of program modules and data libraries to call “Drive Works” . With these tools will automakers be able to work much faster with its development of self-driving cars. A development that previously took months, now going to do in a few hours.

Another feature that NVIDIA has built into that system is self-learning. Recorded information helps to jointly create a better understanding of roads and vehicles. It also allows vehicles and road signs can be distinguished even in poor visibility conditions, such as rain and snow.

In addition, Volvo also works Audi with Nvidia and is said to have come a long way with the new technology. Audi has many years cooperation with Nvidia when it comes to the governance of the graphics to the monitors in the cars. The previous computer model, Nvidia is currently used by 50 automakers.


The circuit board is not so big but the water cooling needs some space and fans that pull air to the radiator. Total volume as a “lunch box”, not unimportant in cars where it is always packed tight and limited space. CLICK ON IMAGE FOR LARGER VERSION


Modern cars have many video cameras covering 360 degrees of the vehicle’s immediate surroundings. But that process all image information requires lots of processing power, which Nvidia’s new supercomputer delivers.


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I am convinced that the number of accidents decreases when cars become autonomous.



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