Thursday, October 13, 2016

Lacquered on Windows 10? Here are 6 good reasons to test the Linux – IDG.see

1. It is a familiar sight

Microsoft has taken a step away from the traditional desktop in Windows 8 and 10, while Linux distributions such as Fedora and Linux Mint has stuck to a more classic pc experience.

If you will find yourself daydreaming about Windows 7 or XP in front of your Windows 10 the-jar, maybe it is time to try any of the options?

2. There is software and drivers, so you’re doing

free alternative that is based on open source software has started to become really good. Office and Photoshop could relatively painlessly be replaced with Linux-compatible alternatives like LibreOffice and Gimp. Add VLC as a media player so you will have a strong trio.

also Read: Linux in Windows 10 – We have tested, and it works fine!

the game selection has also soared thanks to the thousands of titles converted in Valve’s focus on Linux-based operating system Steam OS. And basically everything you run via the browser, of course, works equally well on Linux as on Mac or Windows.

But even more important is that many of the hårdvaruproblemen is solved. Most of the computers in the trade works well with Linux, although there are some sad exceptions.

3. Linux is free

Not only that it is free to try, you do not need to spend a few hundred dollars on a Windows license if you build your own pc.

old computers

4. Linux is great for old computers

Microsoft has long since abandoned Windows XP and Vista are phased out completely. But if you have an old computer that does not properly handle a modern operating system, there are plenty of lightweight Linux options.

With distributions like Puppy Linux or Lubuntu, can to and with the slöaste the machines get new life. In addition, it is operating system as the liver, are developed and updated – something you really can’t say about XP.

5. It is easy to test

You don’t even need to throw away Windows 10 in the trash in order to try Linux.

Find a distribution that seems fitting, install it on a usb stick and boot your pc from it. Then you see if it feels comfortable, and if the hardware hangs as it should – without risking your Windows installation.

6. You are tired of Windows 10

this is perhaps not so much an argument for Linux as an argument against Windows 10. Many are annoyed at how Microsoft managed its new operating system.

also Read: Linux on the desktop will not happen – therefore, absent a breakthrough

For many began the irritation with Microsoft’s sometimes ugly tjatkampanj to get users to upgrade to Windows 7 and 8.1. But there are plenty of complaints against Windows 10 operating system.

A bone of contention has been how Microsoft collects data about the user, another way ads appeared in the start menu. How Windows 10 handles updates – it is not possible anymore to select what you want to have and not – have also attracted the irritation. There is a problem you do not have Linux.

the Majority sits probably happy with Windows 10, but for those who dislike Microsoft’s new venture Linux can be the simplest way out.


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