Thursday, October 2, 2014

Many analog security alarms not working – Västervikstidningen

One in five alarms coming from an analog security alarm never reaches the central station. According to a new report by the National Board. The report puts new light on the issue of digitization of security alarms.

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Some 212,000 security alarms are among the country’s sick , the elderly and disabled.

Photo: Ellen Kindstrand

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Approximately 212,000 of the country’s security alarms are sick, elderly or disabled. The idea is that those who need it should be able to call for help quickly if an accident happens. But new figures from the National Board thus shows that as many as five-alarm never reaches the central station.

The problem with analog alarms can be devastating – and in the worst case, the difference between a functioning alarm and one that does not work be on life and death.

Västervik is one of the municipalities in the country that so far had only analog security alarms. But that’s about to change.

The approximately 1,000 security alarms available at the municipal elderly is namely already about to be replaced with digital alarms, says social manager Jörgen Olsson.

– This is an ongoing project which we hope to start replacing alarms sometime after the new year. So far we have worked with, among other things, the procurement of the alarms. If everything goes as it should, all the alarms to be replaced first half of the 2015th

Read more in today’s paper journal.


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