Friday, October 10, 2014

UV-marked glass against bird deaths – New Technology


Billions of birds die each year by collisions with windows. One proven method is the sticker in the form of birds of prey, but the effect of these is small.

But birds can unlike humans see ultraviolet light. By providing the glazing with patterns that reflect or absorb UV light windows are made visible to the birds. Such glass is available today on the market.

Now, the Uppsala researchers Olle Håstad and Anders Ödeen the issue is more complicated. All species not perceive UV light in the same way. They have calculated the visible ultraviolet crash protection pattern is using a physiological model of avian perception.

They concluded that UV markings can only be seen by birds that have a UV vision called UVS (ultraviolet sensitive)

This group includes small passerines (eg finches), gulls and parrots.

Species that have the other type of color vision (violet sensitive) should be according to the study is not able to see the uv markings.

These include raptors, geese, ducks, pigeons and crows.

Uppsalaforskarna have published their findings in an article in PeerJ.


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