Saturday, December 31, 2016

Master Thesis: software Development for Wireless sensor networks for testing … – New Technology

Are you a solution-oriented person who wants to develop in a creative team, who are happy to challenge ingrained ideas about what is possible? Of course you want to! Then, perhaps, you are just the one we seek for our office in Gothenburg.

Where do you get colleagues in the design, testing, project management, software and technical information. We are a tightly knit bunch, with a focus on consumer product, automotive, medtech and engineering industry, which also are united by our strong interest in what happens in the meeting between the lan people and technology.

does it Sound interesting? Send in your cv.


At the utvecklingstestning in the automotive industry are used for the most part kabelbunden communication between the sensors and datainsamlingsenheter.

the Preparation of the tests is time-consuming and the possibility to add sensors or change placement during the current sample is limited.

A solution with the wireless sensors would facilitate both the preparation of the test and increase the flexibility during the ongoing test. The challenges with such a solution is bl.a. the choice of communication standards, transparency in communication, integration with higher interface for configuration and data collection.

the Aim of the project is to;

  • To investigate and open communication standards and datalagringstjänster with the best technical performance with respect to several aspects
  • Explore what the open communication standards and datalagringstjänster with the greatest potential impact as the global standard – Konceptframtagning of an Open Source solution for the configuration and the measurement from the wireless nodes with selected default
  • Creation and verification of the Open Source framework for IOT and LabVIEW for potensiellt publication on the NI Tools network (

the Project is intended for two people who will write their Master Thesis.

the Profile on the applicant

- Training, or interest for programming and communication. We prefer that the applicant has a different profile and education to complement each other. Etteplan provides guidance, resources, and offices at our office in Gothenburg where you get to meet colleagues in the design, testing, project management, software and technical information. We are a tightly knit bunch, with a focus on consumer product, automotive, medtech and engineering industry, which also are united by our strong interest in what happens in the meeting between people and technology. The thesis work started in the 1st quarter 2017.


Apply as soon as possible when the sample is an ongoing project.

About the company

Etteplan had a turnover of 141,1 million (EUR) in 2015. The company has 2 500 employees in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, China and the United States. Etteplans share is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki ltd under the ticker ETT1V.

Etteplan – Engineering with a difference.

We are not allowed to us calls from recruitment agencies.


Marcus Carlberg
Team Leader System Development
070-246 0404


Little Julie was affected by shortness of breath – had to wait hours in the emergency room – Aftonbladet

Three months old Julie coughed heavily and had difficulty breathing.

Mother Madeleine alerted the ambulance, and they were driven to the New Karolinska in Solna, sweden.

After six hours of waiting they gave up and left the hospital without having been able to meet with any doctor.

– It feels terrible, ” says Madeleine.

Julie had had a cold for a long time. On boxing day she got hard to breathe. The parents feared that Julie suffered from a so-called RS-virus, which can be serious for young children. They went to the barnakuten at the New Karolinska in Solna.

– Then we got an appointment with a doctor fairly quickly. It was taken some samples, but they could not see any characters on the RS-virus, ” says Julies mother Madeleine Esphagen.

the Family was sent home. In the evening the day after, however, Julie worse again.

– She started coughing so severely that she lost the spirit. She was violet in the face several times, ” says Madeleine, and continues:

– Then we decided to call an ambulance.

Waited six hours

the Family came again to the New Karolinska. They were received by a nurse, and then they were referred to a waiting room. The time was at 00:30 on tisdagsnatten.

– We had to sit for two hours before I asked to get into a bed. Where we lay until I gave up and decided that we would go home.

– Then was at around 06.30 in the morning. We had been waiting for over six hours without getting to see a doctor. It feels very strange to not even get to talk with someone when you come in with a child at three months who have difficult to breathe.

Received on behalf of

According to Madeleine, it was not possible to get contact with any staff at all during the night they spent in the hospital.

– I saw no one anywhere. There was no one who we could talk.

She continues:

– It feels terrible that such things can occur. Care must get a completely different focus on patient safety. It may not work, so that no one takes responsibility for the whole.

No explanation from the hospital, the family has not received. The only feedback consists of an invoice for a doctor’s appointment that never took place.

– yesterday, a bill of 120 dollars for that we met with the doctor, which we had not. I was so pissed when I saw it, and called to the hospital. They cancelled it right away, so it was a mistake. But this should not happen, ” says Madeleine.

Many problems

The highly specialised hospital, the New Karolinska in Solna opened in november. Since then, there have been several reports of serious problems in the business. Earlier in december, was critical patientlarm out of the function. This must have led to a patient death.

In a Wednesday, was sent seven-month-old Tag home from the hospital, despite the fact that she had a fever. A few hours afterwards died of the baby.

– the Doctor said: "this is not a hotel", said father Ashraf Kaakoush to Aftonbladet.

Thursday went to the hospital in stabsläge. The reason was, among other things, that a high pressure in the emergency department as a result of the flu. According to the task to Aftonbladet it was then over a day while waiting to get the care place for akutpatienter.

Many children have sought emergency care

Aftonbladet has been in contact with the Karolinska hospital’s press office about Julie not being able to meet any doctor.
Kommunikatören Annika Östman writes in an email that the hospital does not comment on individual cases. She confirms, however, that many children sought emergency care during the past week.
"Ask to come back next week when we have compiled the statistics and facts of how the situation was in the current days," writes Östman.


Teknikstrul at the New Karolinska – the alarm panel didn’t work


Oculus buys Danish eye tracking-startup – evertiq.see

the Oculus has acquired a Danish company which is active in eye tracking.

It’s all about the Danish startup company The Eye Tribe, which was founded in 2011 and working with ögonstyrningsteknologi for consumer devices such as mobile phones and a VR headset.

Now the now Facebook-owned Oculus confirmed the purchase, writes TechCrunch. However, it is still unclear how the technology will be used.

It is speculated that the ögonstyrnings technology will be used as standard functionality in the VR-headset. This, for example, to control so that the image is displayed in maximum detail where the eye is directed.


Foxconn on the way to fully automated factories – MacWorld

foxconn's robots

foxconn’s workforce is counted in the millions, but in the future, it may be significantly less. Since several years the company keeps on introducing robots in the production of, among other things, the Iphone, and the company wants to continue the development.

later Today, Foxconn to test the fully automated production lines in several factories in China, even if the tour has not so far come to the Iphone factory in Zhengzhou. It is a line that manufactures all-in-one computers to another company, writes Digitimes.

the Vision for the future is factories where people just put their foot for roles other than production, inspection, logistics and testing.

A buzz surrounding Apple in recent months has been the opportunity to spend part of the Iphone production in the united states, and it has been reported that Foxconn is investigating the possibilities. It would be a strong impetus to the rapid development, in order to avoid as much as possible of the higher personnel costs.


Man in wheelchair robbed at the hospital – Göteborgs-Posten

Sweden A disabled man has been robbed of his money at a hospital in Helsingborg, sweden. – We have a patrol on the way to the site to gather more information, ” says Fredrik Bratt at the police.

the Police received the alarm about the robbery at 9.50 o’clock on new year’s eve. The attack occurred at an atm at the hospital in Helsingborg.

the Police was alerted about the crime by a security guard at the hospital.

” I don’t know if this uttagningsautomaten is located inside the hospital or just at the entrance. Ordningsvakten states that he has a son with him who was robbed when he took out the money, ” says police spokesperson in the southern region Frederick Bratt.

How much money the offender has come across is for the police at present unclear.

” We have a patrol on the way to the site. Of the information we have got initially, this is serious, but I want to be gently with the comments before, I know more about what has happened, ” says Fredrik Bratt at 10.30-the time.

The suspected killer is believed to be in his 20s and is being sought right now by the police.


Friday, December 30, 2016

New shocks for the Swedbank internet banking – financial times

Again, it is difficult for Swedbank’s customers to log in to online banking.

When the problems can be resolved is currently unclear.

– We don’t know what this is because, says the bank’s press contact Claes Warrén.

the Day has been trying for the major banks have Figure customers. On Tuesday it went in the periods not to reach the internet bank. The problems have returned during both Wednesday night and Thursday.

On Friday appeared besvärligheterna up again.

– We have dippar at between five and ten minutes. Then, it is difficult to log on to online banking. But the services are working as usual otherwise, so those already logged in can perform their transactions even during these periods, ” says Claes Warrén, inc. Swedbank.

Unclear cause

What is behind the problem is not known.

– We don’t know what this depends on. We took some actions in the night, but obviously it has not had the effect we hoped, ” says Claes Warrén.

He excludes, however, that there would be some form of attack.

– No, it will not come from outside. It is an error in our system.

Council: please Try again

the Bank currently has no forecast for when the error can be remedied.

Customers affected by the login issues are encouraged to try again.

– There is so much more to do than to try again if you don’t come in. The interruptions have so far not lasted so long, ” says Claes Warrén.


12 gadgets and services that went out of time in 2016 – IDG.see

2016 was a year when stars like David Bowie, Prince and Carrie Fisher left us far too early. But it was not only celebrities that disappeared, but also in the technology world, several stars had fallen by the pe.



After having been with and started smartklockeboomen 2013 managed the Pebble never really live up to all the hype. For just as with all manufacturers of smart watches, in addition to Apple, three Pebble quickly in sales.

In december bought the Fitbit up Pebbles intellectual capital and took the dead on the production.

also Read: The 5 most underrated launches from Microsoft

Samsung galaxy note 7

Brandskadad Galaxy note 7

One of the really big snackisarna in the world of technology 2016 was Samsung’s fiaskotelefon Galaxy Note 7 shortly after launch completely withdrawn, then the phone spontaneously could start to burn.

But the fiasco did not end there, for when the decision on revocation has been given, there were many who did not submit their phones, which forced Samsung to produce updates in a safe way made the phone unusable. A humiliating end to an equally degrading saga.

Phones from Blackberry

Blackberry phone

If you see a Blackberry phone in the future is the most likely not made by Blackberry.

in september, the former proud phone manufacturer out with that you would stop taking up new hardware and instead put all the focus on the software.

However, the decision was not the end for phones with the Blackberry brand, has secured to itself, for the company will license out the name to third party manufacturers.



Twitter’s video service Vine announced in October, to a few entusiasters great chagrin, that one would lay down their operations.

However, rumors began to quickly flourish if that the Vine would reappear, but how it will be with the resurrection remains to be seen.

Sunrise Calender

Sunrise Calender

the coup de grace for the popular kalenderappen Sunrise came already in 2015, when Microsoft bought the rights to it.

Microsoft had no intentions of working further with the Sunrise, but chose istälelt to implement some of the features from the app to their own calendar in Outlook.

and Although it looks in Outlook now a little more like Sunrise, but it is a small consolation for all the Sunrisefans.

Facebook Paper

Phone with Facebook paper

Facebook’s attempt to make a pure news service got a lot of praise from some users who felt that it was far better than Facebook’s huvudapp to deliver nyhetslänkar.

But the service never found home to the large mass of users and was put in years down. The heritage of Facebook Paper still, however, remain, since much of the technology of the service is the basis for Facebook’s new service of Instant articles.

Google’s Nexus phones


Recently, Google released its high-end phone Pixel, which has received many android users are lyrical. But Pixel chose Google even to completely close down its production of the much cheaper Nexus phone.

According to Google, the Nexus brand is now completely dead and will never return, but the company still provides technical support on the phone.

Firefox OS

Firefox OS

2015 took Mozilla’s decision to put its operating system Firefox OS for smartmobiler.

the Operating system had to live on for a short while on web-based system for smart tvs, routers and tablets, but in november, Mozilla is out with closing down the project altogether.

Intel Atom to smartmobiler

Intel atom

2016 was the year when Intel realized that it missed the boat when it comes to smartmobiler and that the company would never be able to catch up with their competitors.

that is Why we chose to completely put down the work with Atomchippet to the phones and chose instead to invest all our efforts on chipp to the other connected objects – like drone and ar headsets.

Apple Thunderbolt Display

Apple Thunderbol-skärm

In June, Apple announced that it will lay down its manufacture of skärmserien Thunderbolt Display which has been running since 2011.

According to the site Extremetech, the decision is very attention-grabbing as this is the first time since the 80s, as Apple does not sell any own screens.

also Read: on day one and sexsajter – here are the year’s biggest databasstölder

Project Ara

Project Ara

Google’s plans for a modular smartphone, in which the user could easily switch out components, probably was from the beginning a wild gamble. But one had developed the technology that it wanted to could Project Ara made it easier for consumers to create their drömtelefon.

Unfortunately, so did the gamble home and Google chose this year to put down the project.

Microsoft Band

Microsoft band-bracelets

Microsoft’s fitnessarmband was from the beginning to a promising start with its colourful touchdisplay, but the product held back by poor software and lousy support for applications.

Therefore it was not surprising that Microsoft went out with that you would not make a third model in the series.



It is quite remarkable that bildredigeringprogrammet Picasa lasted as long as it did. The program, already launched in 2002 and was bought two years later by Google, which only a few years after it stopped releasing updates to the program.

Thus came it 2013 several rumors that Picasa would be replaced with the Google+ Photos app, but it never happened, and Picasa had to live on until 2016 when the blade finally fell.


Experts are warning gisslanmasken – can be one of the greatest CYBER-threats to 2017 – IDG.see

According to a report from security firm Symantec, it has only in 2016, the daily occurred more than 4 000 ransomwareattacker, and if you can believe the FBI has gisslanprogrammen whether u.s. companies at 209 million dollars this year alone.

But even though more and more will open their eyes to the real security threat from the ransomware, it will according to the experts, become increasingly difficult to protect themselves.

also Read: Warning dubbeltrubbel – hybridtrojaner spreads on Android

– Simplified, one can say that the bad guys come to the ransomware gives the money, and you can expect that they will be doubling the business by 2017, ” says Corey Nachreiner, CTO at Watchguard technologies, IDG News.

Like Nostradamus has also Corey Nachreiner a bleak framtidsprofetia and it is the advent of a completely new kind of ransomware, as it takes the worst with the ransomware and puts it together with spridningsmöjligheten from traditional computer worms.

– Imagine the ransomware, that is attached to a network mask. After a victim has become infected, it would tirelessly copy itself to every computer it can reach on the local network, ” says Corey Nachreiner, and continues:

– whether you can imagine such a scenario or not, I promise you that the cyber criminals have already thought of it.

also Read: Traditional professional criminals behind the ransomwarevåg – "easier than robbing a bank."

One that keeps with Corey Nachreiners about the future of ransomware is Nir Polak, ceo of analyticsföretaget Exabeam, which even he believes gisslanmasken be the next big cyber threats.

– Ransomware is already a big business for hackers, but ransommaskar ensures continued business. They encrypt your files until you pay, and even worse, it leaves behind gifts, ” says Nir Polak.

Ransommaskar, however, is not solely a future problem, but the viruses are already in the day. Earlier in the year, such as Microsoft out and warned the worm Zcryptor that can reproduce themselves from computer to external disks.

Säkerhetsveteranen Alex Vaystikh, chief technology officer at Secbi, is he also convinced that gisslanprogrammen is going to be worse next year.

He predicts smarter ransomware that first steal the precious information and then unlocks the files on the offerdatorn, which, in a way, hacking the victim’s data twice.

also Read: From Donald Trump to Hitler – here are the top 5 weirdest gisslanprogrammen

– In this scenario, perhaps the victim says: you know what, I have a backup and refuses to pay for the encryption. But then the hacker threatening to leak. We have heard about the ransomware used in sensitive environments such as hospitals, but as yet no great damage is done where. But if the virus was only stealing patient information, and then encrypts it, then it can be extremely harmful, ” says Alex Vaystikh to IDG News.


Thursday, December 29, 2016

He is the swede who will challenge Elon Musk – Expressen

Peter Carlsson was previously purchasing manager at Tesla but decided to leave the company after the Model X has been launched in October 2015.

And now he has decided to challenge Tesla – even if he himself does not express himself so.

Planning a “Gigafactory” in Sweden

With a budget of 40 billion and a team of former Tesla employees, he shall build an american equivalent to the “Gigafactory” at an undisclosed location in Sweden.

” We have not gone out so great yet, so I don’t think Elon Musk knows it. But his vision is to drive the transition away from oil in transport. He knows that it must kraftsamlas far more capital and resources than what the Tesla can persuade in order to implement this, ” he says to this Week’s business.

– So we are not competing with Tesla, we are helping to drive the transformation.

“The best in Sweden”

the Team has for a long time travelled in Europe around that, inter alia, to attract investors and potential customers, but also providers and politicians.

– If we have with a number of stakeholders who have insight into the project now so we hope that they are about twelve months, when we really need to build up substantial capital to put in the shovel in the ground and build a factory, have sufficient confidence in the project. It is estimated to cost 40 billion crowns in four steps. Vinnova and the Swedish energy agency were early supporters, ” he says.

People to the team for the project brought in from all corners of the world, both from Japan and the united states, but also from home.

– We also want to be the best in Sweden in the area, ” he says.


Woman urgently to the hospital – a relative gripen – Västerbottens-kuriren (the Courier)

A woman in her 40s had to be brought urgently to the hospital since she was found in her home north of Växjö with injuries deemed to be serious.

Police have arrested a man suspected of attempted murder. According to the police, he is a relative.

It is unclear exactly what sort of damage the woman has and how they have arisen.

— At this stage of the investigation we do not want to go out with more details, ” says Johanna Persson, press officer at the police South region.


Unclear the identity of the major problem in the asylum system – Aftonbladet

Asylum. the Police and the Swedish migration board want to see new measures in order to establish his identity.

today, a person can be convicted in an identity and seek asylum in another.

– the scope of the Problem is quite large, although it varies over time, ” says Per Löwenberg, acting section chief at the national border police.

In 2016, leaving approximately 60 per cent of asylum seekers in any type of the id at the beginning of the asylum process.

In a report to the government on measures to enhance the voluntary return and expulsion to the authorities that the new measures are being investigated, among other things, in order to determine the identity.


Some proposals are controversial. For example, the police search of asylum seekers throughout the asylum procedure and do a search on accommodation.

– All the aims that we shall be able to ensure the identity, ” says Per Löwenberg.

the Swedish migration board is proposed to also be able to search for information in social media about people not only when there are allegations of war crimes or security threats.

Can get asylum anyway

A fixed identity is important when it comes to the possibility to seek asylum and to expel persons who have been refused asylum. However, there is no absolute requirement to be able to prove their identity in order to obtain asylum.

Löwenberg out that it may be impossible for some to fully prove who they are, for example, it is not possible to obtain documents from their home country, or that it would involve risks to contact the authorities there.

Multiple identities

– It may be obvious that you have grounds such that you would be able to get a residence permit anyway. The consequence is that some of those who get permission not to have understood their identity fully, says Löwenberg.

legislative barriers and poor cooperation between the authorities allows a person who has no id can have multiple identities. The report states that a person can be convicted of a crime in a name and seek asylum in another.

To sharpen

the Police may not automatically out if the Swedish migration board to change a person’s name or birth date.

– I think that the systems could be strengthened, within the immigration services can often see people with several different identities, ” says Per Löwenberg.

He hopes that Sweden and the EU to speed on the systems for automated fingeravtrycksläsning and face detection.

this is not

Löwenberg state that a fixed identity is absolutely necessary in order to be able to deport people who have been refused their asylum application.

– No country receiving the someone you don’t know who it is, ” he says.

another proposal that the police would have investigated is a general disclosure obligation and specific place of residence for asylum seekers who do not cooperate with the to clarify the identity.


Authorities also want more opportunities to lock up people who should be denied entry into the country at border control because they are flagged in the EU common SIS-database. Usually, the person must still be allowed into the country because there are no legal opportunities to hold the person while waiting for the next departure. The flight or ferry the person came with has often had time to go during the time the verification was made.

the Police and the Swedish migration board would also have investigated if both authorities ‘ staff need to be in place at the airport border control.

Travellers say that they want to seek asylum, it disappears sometimes on the road between the police and the Swedish migration board because both of the opinion that it is the other’s responsibility to manage the registration, according to the report.



the Swedish migration board and the Police department want that the government is investigating a series of proposals to more asylum seekers with refused to be able to return to their home country.

General disclosure obligation and specific place of residence for asylum seekers who do not cooperate to clarify the identity

the Ability to strip search during the entire asylum process

Extended possibilities to search

Sekretesshinder that prevents the exchange of information between the authorities should, if possible, be removed or reduced.

the Cooperation between authorities must be improved, not least to avoid duplication.

a Greater focus on establishing the identity early in the asylum process.

Direct access of the police to the Migration board fingeravtrycksregister.

Persons who are refused entry must be placed in detention while waiting for the next utresemöjlighet.

Longer re-entry ban for those with a deportation order which does not go of its own accord.

Source: “Återvändandeuppdraget”, final report for the government in The 2015/01326/SIM m. fl.



This chasing we on mellandagsrean – Expressen

this Year’s christmas was, according to HUI Research VR-glasses. But looking at what customers are shopping during the sale – and what sought of prisjämförelsesajten Pricespy, it is headphones that are this year’s big christmas gift.

the Headphones has 700% more clicks than the VR-glasses, the head Prisjakt in a press release.

– the headphones was the year’s real christmas gift is not surprising when technical gadgets are always popular christmas and right headphones can be found in many varieties and price ranges, says the Prisjakt sweden director Carl Vult von Steyern.

Iphone 7 and tv sets the most popular

The most popular products during the mellandagsrean on Pricespy, the most clicked is the Apple Iphone 7, the Playstation 4 Slim and a 55-inch tv from Samsung.

– On Pricespy we have had a record number of visitors, around 20 per cent more than in mellandagsreans the first day of the previous year. One of the reasons for this may be that there are so many red days during the christmas holidays, fewer go away, more will stay at home and then consume more, ” says Carl Vult von Steyern.

Also hemelektronikkedjan Elgiganten testify that this year mellandagsrea has attracted more customers than last year. During the christmas day were sold corresponding to four headphones at the minute. In addition, it is the appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers, and large screen tvs that we take the opportunity to upgrade during the mellandagsrean. But at Elgiganten has noticed that customers are not looking for the very cheapest, but the quality at lower price it is applicable.

– Customers are price conscious and our products, fill an increasingly important function in the Swedish households. Together gives a very great interest in our sales when there is an opportunity to shop for quality products at significantly lower prices, ” says Elgigantens ceo Niclas Eriksson.

More deals in mobile phone

Even Mediamarkt have noticed a great interest for washing machines and dryers and large televisions. But mobile phones, actionkameror and laptops also belongs to the best sellers.

– A clear trend is that customers are shopping with your mobile phone, an increase of almost 100 per cent on the previous year, ” says Anna Sjödin, PR and communications manager at Mediamarkt.

Avoid the classic reafällorna

But there is also risk to being cheated on their reafynd. It has happened that companies entice you with goods that are not available or the prices that are claimed to be lower than the regular price.

– You may not attract with low prices, if the prices are not cheap, and it is the goods you do not have, simply put, Niclas Ernebratt, a lawyer at the Swedish Consumer agency, previously said to Expressen.

ALSO READ: Here are your rights in the trade

Ellen Gräfnings, konsumentjuridisk advisor, has also given advice to Your Money and mean that many are at risk to be fooled and tempted by all the deals of the trade.

Regardless of whether you go in the “lockfällan” or not, it is easy that you pull a little more on the card than you had planned.

Ellen Gräfnings calls for caution when it comes to buying on credit. January is a heavier financial month than december for many, and in the worst case, the debts on to debt collection or Enforcement officer.

– A and O is that you must budget. My best advice is not to try and buy on credit and definitely do not use these snabblåneföretagen for consumer goods, ” she says.


Facebook buys Danish Tobii-a competitor in Today’s Industry

Facebook has bought the Danish company The Eye Tribe. Eye-tracking company, whose sensors should improve the experiences in the virtual reality and augmented reality, is a direct competitor to the Swedish Tobii.

Facebook invests in eye tracking by buying the Danish company The Eye Tribe. These data came from a source to Robert Scoble who works for branschsajten UploadVR, said Finwire.

After Di Digital researched information, it appears according to The Centrale Virksomhedsregister, the Danish equivalent to the Swedish companies registration office, to Facebook Overseas Inc owns 100 percent of the company since 15 december.

also Read: Tobii increases the bet in gaming, VR and self-driven cars

The Danish company wants to improve the VR – and AR-experiences with the help of its sensors. The Eye Tribe was founded in 2011. According to Crunchbase the company has raised over 3 million dollars in three funding rounds and in addition granted 2.3 million dollars from the state Højteknologifonden.

On 12 december announced The Eye Tribe with their clients via email that you have chosen to go a different direction with their technology and therefore decided to close down the development of their products. Facebook’s PR team has not yet confirmed the acquisition, according to the Finwire.

Ögonstyrningsbolag has become popular among the great techjättarna. In October of this year, Google bought the company Eyefluence which, like The Eye Tribe and Swedish Tobii provides technology for tracking eye movements.

When Google bought Eyefluence interpreted Tobii investors the negative. It is not yet clear how investors will react to Facebook’s acquisition of The Eye Tribe. Follow the share here.

Di Digital is looking for co-founder of The Eye Tribe for comment.

also Read: Tobii fall on the stock exchange after the Google purchase


Keeps the swedes their new year’s resolutions? – help scientists get an answer – research.see

What do we give for new year’s resolutions and how good are we at keeping our promises? In a study which starts in the new year looking for researchers at Stockholm university, the answers to these questions. Anyone who wants to be in the study can register for the mittnyarslofte.look forward to January 3.

In Sweden, the emit was the eighth man and every fifth woman a new year’s resolution. The most promise to start eating healthier, stressing less, getting started with the training or read more books. How well the swedes keep these promises, however, is less well known. Researchers at Stockholm university will therefore launch a new study to the new year by mapping the swedes ‘ new year’s resolutions.

– It is a common notion that nyårslöftena quickly broken, but the fact is that 71 percent of americans still cling to his promise after a week. At six months, the share is down to about 46 percent. A new year’s resolution works great as inspiration, but it still requires concrete steps and effort, ” says Per Carlbring, professor of clinical psychology at Stockholm university.

It takes 66 days to create a habit
Previous research shows that it is painstaking to implement a behavioural change, especially in the beginning, but after a while reached a plateau when the change has become a habit. On average, it takes 66 days to create a habit, according to a study by researchers at the University College London published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, 2010.

Our study has two purposes, first, to identify what new year’s resolutions, the swedes have, second, each month follow up on how it is actually possible for the participants. We will use the latest research to see how it is possible to maximize the ability to succeed with their new year’s resolution and how to tackle setbacks, ” says Per Carlbring.

the Study is partly based on earlier studies at the department of psychology on prokrastinering (uppskjutarbeteende) and partly on clinical studies (where physical activity and healthy living is encouraged).

do you Want to be in the study?
For those who wish to participate in the study to see if it can live up to it’s own nyårslöftet is the opportunity to register on the mittnyarslofte.between 27 december and 3 January.

For further information:, tel 070-6667666.
Pressjouren at Stockholm university 08-16 40 90,


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  • Strategy and Roadmap work
  • Build & Maintain a good relationship with our business colleagues within the R&D
  • Your profile

    We are looking for someone with a university degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience. This should be complemented by 6-10 years of experience working as a Business Relationship Manager or Project Manager. Among others you have good business and IT knowledge, as well as in the R&D process. In addition to Swedish, you need to be proficient in written and spoken English.

    As a person you have a proactive approach and you’ll enjoy taking on new challenges and working with a focus on quality and targets. You also have a great deal of business acumen and the drive and willingness to take great responsibility with significant stamina and the ability to manage complex situations that are constantly changing. You like working in a team, but it is also important that you can take the initiative and work independently. To be successful in this role, we also think you will have good communication skills and the ability to conduct dialogue at all levels of the company as well as an understanding of what is required for good IT commission.

    In addition to personal and professional development opportunities, benefits such as company car, mutual bonus, occupational pension, flexible working hours, lunch at reduced prices and much more. If you live in Stockholm, we offer a direct bus service between Stockholm and Södertälje, Scania Job Express.

    Further information

    If you need to know more about the position contact Henrik Billingsfors (Group Manager Architecture and Portfolio Management) at +46 (0)8 55385654 or Ann-Louise Rova (Scania Recruitment Centre) at +46 (0)8 553 715 16.


    Your application should include a CV and cover letter.

    If you have any problems, you can send your application to

    Please indicate "Job ID 20164993 Portfolio Manager" in the subject line. Include a CV and cover letter.

    We also need your full name, staff ID number, address, e-mail address and telephone number to ensure your application is complete.


    Wednesday, December 28, 2016

    Inconsistent battery life in new Macbook Pro – 99mac

    Organization Consumer Reports rejects the new Macbook Pro the battery life.

    a few days ago was released the Consumer Reports opinion on the Macbook Pro. This is the first time ever as Apple’s portable computers not managed to get a rekommendationsutmärkelse of the organization.

    Comsumer Reports an american organization that is working with consumers to put the customer’s needs in focus. Among other things, test themselves, and compiles consumers ‘ experiences of products.

    The big problem with the Macbook Pro the mean Consumer Reports is the battery life which varies much in the different tests. Apple has said that the approximate battery life for the new #Macbook Pro-family is 10 hours. How long a battery lasts varies of course depending on how you use your computer. However, shouldn’t the battery life range from 16 to 3.5 hours as it did when Cosumer Reports tested 13-tmusmodellen with the Touch Bar. 13 inch Macbook Pro without the Touch Bar had a battery life between 19.5 to 4.5 hours and the Macbook Pro 15 inch had a battery life ranging from 18.5 to 8 hours. In the test, they write:

    – Battery life is an important attribute of a portable computer, and it represents a large part of the final score. After having compiled the results from the tests can Consumer Reports state that none of the three Macbook Pro models live up to the recommended standard for laptops.

    Apple’s product manager Phil Schiller has stated in a tweet that the #Apple has teamed up with Consumer Reports to understand the results of the test and try to fix it which may have made that the test results were so inconsistent.


    Time patent fight between Apple and Nokia continues – New Technology

    After Nokia sued Apple for patent infringement comes now the u.s. company’s backlash.

    the Conflict between technology companies is about 32 Nokia patents that includes technology, antennas, software, chipplicenser and videokodningsformatet H. 264.

    "Dozens of companies use Nokia’s patents in their products. Apple, however, refuses to pay the lent royalty," writes Nokia’s lawyers in the lawsuit.

    After that Nokia has gone to the right now select the Apple to remove the products from the brand Withings from its online store. Withings manufactures health-related electronics, and was acquired by Nokia earlier this year.

    the Point is reminiscent of when Bose products disappeared from Apple’s online retailers a few years ago. This after hörlurstillverkarna sued Appleägda Beats for patent infringement.


    Study: link between happiness and long life – Hufvudstadsbladet

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