What do we give for new year’s resolutions and how good are we at keeping our promises? In a study which starts in the new year looking for researchers at Stockholm university, the answers to these questions. Anyone who wants to be in the study can register for the mittnyarslofte.look forward to January 3.
In Sweden, the emit was the eighth man and every fifth woman a new year’s resolution. The most promise to start eating healthier, stressing less, getting started with the training or read more books. How well the swedes keep these promises, however, is less well known. Researchers at Stockholm university will therefore launch a new study to the new year by mapping the swedes ‘ new year’s resolutions.
– It is a common notion that nyårslöftena quickly broken, but the fact is that 71 percent of americans still cling to his promise after a week. At six months, the share is down to about 46 percent. A new year’s resolution works great as inspiration, but it still requires concrete steps and effort, ” says Per Carlbring, professor of clinical psychology at Stockholm university.
It takes 66 days to create a habit
Previous research shows that it is painstaking to implement a behavioural change, especially in the beginning, but after a while reached a plateau when the change has become a habit. On average, it takes 66 days to create a habit, according to a study by researchers at the University College London published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, 2010.
Our study has two purposes, first, to identify what new year’s resolutions, the swedes have, second, each month follow up on how it is actually possible for the participants. We will use the latest research to see how it is possible to maximize the ability to succeed with their new year’s resolution and how to tackle setbacks, ” says Per Carlbring.
the Study is partly based on earlier studies at the department of psychology on prokrastinering (uppskjutarbeteende) and partly on clinical studies (where physical activity and healthy living is encouraged).
do you Want to be in the study?
For those who wish to participate in the study to see if it can live up to it’s own nyårslöftet is the opportunity to register on the mittnyarslofte.between 27 december and 3 January.
For further information: carlbring@psychology.su.se, tel 070-6667666.
Pressjouren at Stockholm university 08-16 40 90, press@su.se
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