Thursday, December 22, 2016

Serious collision on the E18 – life-threatening injuries – the Express newspaper

A man in his 50s has died of his injuries after a serious accident on the E18 in Årjäng, on on Thursday afternoons

– It is a head-on collision between two cars. There sat a man in each car, ” says Stefan Sundberg, officer in charge of the police commanders in Värmland.

For the other damaged the man’s situation continued to be critical and he is being treated at the hospital for their injuries.

the Alarm went off just before the 17 and it soon became clear that it was a very serious accident.

– It is about life-threatening injuries for both drivers, ” said Stefan Sundberg then.

One of them has been excerpted with ambulanshelikopter, the other with ordinary ambulance.

– Both of which have been brought to the hospital in Karlstad, says Sundberg.

At the hospital, it was clear that a man in the 50-årsålderns life was not to save. His relatives are informed.

the second man is the situation continued to be critical and he is being treated at the hospital for injuries.

Was clamped

It is about a car crash.

– There is no barrier in the middle at the scene of the accident as one of the cars have come over on the wrong side, ” says Stefan Sundberg.

the NWT have spoken with the emergency services.

” It has been a hefty whack. There is a person in each car and both of the two sitting jammed, ” said Roger Jansson, räddningschef in store in Årjäng, sweden.

A moment later announced Roger Jansson to the two injured were brought to hospital.

– They are cared for by the ambulance on site, ” he says.

But according to police data, thus, both on the way to the hospital, or have already arrived there with life-threatening injuries.

Unclear cause

There was a long time to a stand still in traffic at the scene of the accident and was formed kilometre-long queues in both färdriktningarna.

But now the road be open for traffic again, reports Sundberg at 18.15.

What caused the accident is unclear.

– There are no eye-witnesses, I talked with a driver who arrived right after the accident, but did not see the incident, said Roger Jansson.

A police patrol will go to the hospital to try to get the identity of those involved, who must have suffered very serious injuries.

At 21, had neither the police or hospital some new data on skadeläget.

the Accident was by all accounts not on the slip, but several other accidents occurred in the west of Sweden during Thursday night as a result of slipping.

During the morning occurred another severe accident in sweden, when a woman in her 60s was seriously injured. There was also an accident during the afternoon near Vålberg. Then you got the two people taken to hospital in an ambulance.


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