How does Britney Spears today?
– To me it sounds like she had a little difficult to decide. “Glory” is a mixture of both the music that made her so great around the turn of the millennium – happy mainstreampop with bulldozerrefränger- and partly a desire to innovate and do something more adult and more modern.
– The modern part the album is more reclined with low-key drumming, R & B influences, more soaring choruses and echo effects. Above all, she sings in a completely different way.
How does the song Britney’s voice is different, do you think?
– Britney is not exactly a best voice, but she has a voice that almost everyone recognizes. A little nasal, robot-like and under a thick layer of autotune. But in several of the songs on “Glory”, she sings actually in a completely new way, with personality and feel.
What is the songs on “Glory” about?
– all with a few exceptions, is about sex. Sometimes, as in the song “Make Me”, it works really well. It feels as if she might be inspired by Beyoncé’s self-titled album from 2014 was all about to be allowed to be sexy, strong, smart and adult. But suddenly she turns on the course, and so she’s back in that childish and a little revue sexy role that is difficult to understand when it comes from a 35 year old. The single “Clumsy” about being clumsy in bed is omöljlig to listen to without strong shame rinses.
What is the real Britney do you think, the former millennieprinsessan or she is behind the album’s more innovative parts ?
– It sounds as if Britney had fun when she experimented, but I have a feeling that she thrives at its best when she gets to go into the role of the artist with a big, empty smile that just will entertain the audience. Although many try to shape the Britney Spears to a symbol of the one or the other so is Britney herself a totally apolitical artist, which is almost difficult to deal with in 2016. Taylor Swift, Zara Larsson, Beyonce – all the great artists of today have a political message. But Britney is still much of a mystery.
– In one of the songs she sings “If I’m dancing in the know the music is good.” So as long as I dance, I think the music is good. And perhaps it is her message, that it should be allowed to be as it was before, that pop should be allowed to just be fun. I think Britney’s fans will love Glory, but I do not think it will win over some new ones.
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