Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Rubber bands can provide gentle forest – New Technology

Reduces the damages on the ground of a forest machine on wheels rebuilt and fitted with rubber band? It should Skogforsk investigate.

– Wheels and strips are an effective solution to get around in the woods, but it sometimes gives rise to land damage, especially on wet and soft ground. We have therefore brought together manufacturers of tape machines manufacturers of forest machines to build a machine that can run the full timber loads from the forest in a more gentle way, says Tommy Blom, project manager for the test, in a press release.

It is also hoped that more pliable machines to provide better comfort for the driver – while saving money.

– We have reason to believe that rubber band machines can run significantly faster on forest land than wheeled machines, which consequently would reduce costs to transport wood out of the forest, says Bjorn Lofgren, a researcher at the Forestry research Institute.

A wheeled Ponsse machine has been tested on Skogforsk obstacle course outside Uppsala. Now ongoing renovations for the machine to be fitted with rubber bands. After the New Year will tape machine measured on the obstacle course again and then await testing in the field.

Björn Löfgren Photo: Forestry Research Institute

Last year, New technology for a similar test. Then it was about a forest that was equipped with belt drive from Hägglunds military vehicles.

– The big difference is that this time the machine can take a load. The last time considering the forwarder so much that the bands could not stand more, reports Björn.

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