the Investigation is being made of the university’s so-called Oredlighetsråd, where professor emeritus Björn Rydevik chairman.
- We do not communicate externally, either on the timeline or anything else. You may contact the management of the university of Gothenburg, says Rydevik.
He was in september called up to the university’s board of directors to tell you about the utredningsläget. At the same time presented the new course, directed toward the misconduct, which in the autumn started to be given at the university. Discussions are on to make the course compulsory in the doctoral programme.
According to the university’s ledningskommunikatör Ann-Charlotte Hansson Schützer is no end date for the oredlighetsrådets review but she states that it is expected to be completed before the end of the year.
that is When on the Olle Larkö, dean at the faculty of medicine, reported in march, is the misconduct.
also Read: Hjärtfonden stop the appropriations to the professor
Hit the alarm on the bildmanipulationer
It was nätsajten PubPeer, where scientists review each other’s performance, which sounded the alarm about a dozen cases of what seems to be bildmanipulationer in scientific reports, from professor Holgerssons research group.
Olle Larkö writes in his notification that he had been aware that researchers at the university of Gothenburg in several cases, the published scientific works with “fabricated and distorted data”. In the notification, he concentrates his however, on the “two clear examples of suspected misconduct”.
It is about the same image used in different research reports, published with a several-year intervals, and claimed, imagine different things.
for Example, it was claimed, in a 2008 report, that a picture imagined the cells of the liver. Five years later appeared the same picture up again and said now show the stem cells isolated from the bone marrow.
Images of cells
The second case applies to a research report from 2012, where a picture is provided to show the cells of the liver. Two years later, the same image in the scientific journal Tissue Engineering but is said to now imagine the cells of a nose.
The latter essay is about the transplant at the Sahlgrenska academy in march 2011, a 76-year-old man who received a new trachea.
Professor Suchitra Holgersson sent an email to the journal, and requested that the image would be replaced by another. The editor noted that such a request is highly unusual and gave rise to concern. The decision in may of this year was that the journal withdrew the paper.
admitting mistakes
Suchitra Holgersson has met oredlighetsrådet once and have given it a basis in the form of logbooks and raw data. She admits that mistakes have been made but denies the manipulations.
What mistakes have been made?
- We have used pictures twice. But it has nothing to with manipulation to do. All the experiments are made, ” says Holgersson.
How can the same picture is claimed to show different things?
- If you take, for example, cells from lung, epithelial cells, the same cell type also in the kidney and in the small intestine and so on. When you use the same marker to show a cell type. If you use a cursor to look at the cells then the cells in all the organs. All of the pictures ended up in the same folder on the researcher’s hard drive. Then it has, by mistake, happened to the cursor name set, and ended up in another magazine.
You claim it is someone other than you that made mistakes?
- We’re a big team that work. I do not try and take the photos yourself. But as a senior author, I would have checked the pictures. It is my responsibility, ” says Suchitra Holgersson.
Among the co-authors of the avpublicerade article in Tissue Engineering was the professor of transplant surgery Michael Olausson.
He recruited in the autumn of 2008 Suchitra Holgersson from the Karolinska institute, the Sahlgrenska academy, the medical part of the university of Gothenburg, where she received a service that transplantationsbiolog.
Suspicions about cheating
At the same time there arose the suspicion that Holgersson cheated in their research, and in december 2008 was notified of this by the Karolinska institutet and Gothenburg university. The notifications were examined by an expert group within the Swedish research council, and on 9 september 2010, the statement:
Suchitra Holgersson has been guilty to four cases of gross scientific misconduct. In one of the cases, it was “put to the data that could not be verified” in an article in the scientific journal Blood (article avpublicerades later).
Furthermore, the Swedish research council’s expert group to Holgersson had tried to mislead them during an investigation by submitting false documents. This was classed as very serious scientific misconduct.
the Leadership of the Karolinska institute noted in a decision of 15 February 2011 to Suchitra Holgersson “guilty of research misconduct and this misconduct has been of a very serious nature.”
After the Council review, wrote the rector of the university of Gothenburg, Pam Fredman, to the State ansvarsnämnd and requested to Suchitra Holgersson would be dismissed.
1000 hours on the case
But the last word is far from said. Michael Olausson, regarded as one of the country’s top surgeons and stjärnläkare at Sahlgrenska academy, who, according to their own task down over 1000 hours to investigate the case. This corresponds to a half years of work on a full time basis.
Michael Olaussons view is that the handling of the case “is the biggest scandal research society suffered in Sweden”. In addition to lay the blame for the obvious errors that occurred in the research in the foremost one of the three students who complained of the misconduct, he points at that the research council had the disorder in the investigation material.
This was also the main reason when the Swedish research council’s new director-general of 21 september 2011, withdrew the opinion on Suchitra Holgersson.
the Members of the Swedish research council’s expert group said in a debate article in dagens nyheter: “IN the light of the repeated and serious cheating is uncovered, appears to be the director-general’s decision to us as incomprehensible”.
the Group warned that the director-general’s decision “threatens to cause further deterioration in confidence for the research and for work with oredlighetsfrågor in Sweden”.
Request for a new investigation
A request for a new inquiry was sent to the Central ethical review board 24 October 2012 came to the conclusion that “the suspicions levelled against Suchitra Holgersson (are) not sufficiently informed in order to provide a basis for a finding that she would have been guilty of misconduct in research.”
at the same time, recommended the Central ethical review board of Karolinska institute to reverse its decision from February of the year prior to fuskklassa Holgersson.
But it did not the Karolinska institute: a new assessment requires the new circumstances, and these have not emerged, ” noted the institute’s president in april 2013.
Gothenburg university withdrew its request for dismissal.
Professor Michael Olausson describes his situation as “incredibly stressful” for Gerdin-investigation and the current, other fuskutredningen against Suchitra Holgersson.
I helped her to clear herself out of the situation when she arrived to Gothenburg. I thought it was clear with it, ” says Olausson.
He supports her too this time, although he states that their cooperation a few years ago ended. However, he also engages not as hard as in the last fuskutredningen:
- I’m simply not. It affected my career and cost me almost my family.
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