Monday, November 7, 2016

Now, the Swedish succéknappen in new version – new Technology

Smart button Flic, developed by the Swedish Shortcut Labs, was received with open arms by the tekniknördar the world over. Now bet startup to make the success even in the mass market, with a new version of its button, which is cheaper and more easy to use.

At the end of 2014, the company launched an Indiegogo campaign for a programmable key with the name of the Flic. Behind the iot concept was a bunch of former KTH students, and the idea with the button is that it can be used to create shortcuts to the various tasks that can be performed with a mobile phone.

In practice, this means that you can set so that the Girl sends out your gps position to the relatives, put on your favorite music, or calling for a taxi – with a single push of a button.

Flic-the project quickly gained a great impact on the gräsrotsfinansieringsajten Indiegogo. After 30 hours, the company had reached its fundraising goal on 80 000 dollars, and at the end of Shortcut Labs received more than 7 million.

Read more: We are testing the Swedish button that is remotely controlling the cell phone

The smart Girl button won quickly a place in the nördhjärtan the world over, but the company has had it more difficult to achieve in other, less technology driven audiences.

to remedy it launches the Shortcut Labs now a new and somewhat simplified version of the Flic. With the first model, users could program up to three shortcuts from a range of 60 features in the wireless button.

The new button will be in place in five variants with pre-programmed functions that are based on the most common uses for the existing Flic-buttons.

– The new enfunktions buttons will make it possible for us to reach a much broader audience – people like my mother – and showed them how we can simplify their lives with the help of our technology, ” says Pranav Kosuri, one of the Flics three co-founders.

Read more:, A press on the button from the Flic warns cykelfällorna

Flics new buttons will cost 229 sek, which can be compared with the 349 dollars for the older model. With the launch launches the Shortcut Labs, including collaborations with Best Buy in the united states and Canada, Harrods in the Uk, Gravis in Tysklad and Media Markt in Sweden and the Netherlands.

“It means that our product will be in the hundreds of shops within a week,” says Pranav Kosuri.

It is a big challenge to go from Kickstarterkampanjer to start selling its product in major electronics chains. How will you manage to ramp up production?

” We have already today partnerships with, for example, Media Markt and Designtorget. Ago, our production manager, Amir Sharifat worked hard in recent months to ensure that the factories in Malaysia will be able to meet the demand.

this can be the new Flicknapparna do

the new version of The Flic comes with one of the following five pre-programmed functions:

Flic Find: Press on the button to find your lost mobile.

Girl Selfie: Take a so-called selfie – a self – portrait- with your phone by a push of a button.

Flic Lights: on/off the smart lights in your home.

Flic Music: to Turn on a selected playlist via Sonos or any other service for streaming music.

Flic Location: Sends the user’s gps location to a list of relatives or other trusted.

the Button can be used with Android and Ios phones, costs 229 sek and has a non-replaceable battery with a usage time of 24 months.


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