Monday, November 21, 2016

Swedish byggapp attracts us investors – New Technology

Swedish Icontrol aim to their app to be able to replace all the paperwork out on the construction site. Now invest the accelerator 500 startups, 1.5 million in the project.

"never Write a protocol again" – that is the message that meets the visiting the Swedish byggappen Icontrols website.

the Purpose of the app is that it will make it easier for the staff at outside construction sites to collect and share all the project documentation created during the production.

By offering ready-made protocols, for example protocols, försyner and abnormalities can the app save both time and money for construction companies, said Icontrol.

Some who believe in the idea is the business accelerator 500 Startups, which now invests the equivalent of just over 1.3 million Swedish kronor in the Icontrol – which will be the company’s first investment.

the Investment also means that Icontrol will participate in the 500 Startups accelatorsprogram in San Francisco, which runs from november 2016 to February 2017.

the Program has ambitious goals: In the space of a few months, the Icontrol increase their sales by up to 400 percent.

” It is very exciting. 500 Startups is a chance for us to increase the pace of development and take a first step into a new market, that is why it is important that we make the most out of the program. When we are now participating in this program, we get access to the entire network within 500 Startups and everyone who works there, says Alexander Selling, ceo and co-founder of Icontrol.

the App was originally developed as part of a project with funding from the Swedish construction industry development fund, SBUF. Today, Skanska, JM and several other Swedish construction companies the program.

An independent survey conducted by JM in 2015 showed that the working time was reduced by half – at the same time that construction defects could be addressed earlier in the process – at the construction sites where they used the app, type Icontrol in a press release.

currently, the company tests its software in the united states. Now is an international launch of the app around the corner.

“Our vision is to create an industry standard for all documentation within the construction industry – and I feel that we are on a good way to do it,” says Alexander Selling.

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