Friday, December 9, 2016

Democrats want the EU to stop the jobbstöd.


Minister for enterprise, Mikael Damberg (S) and three of his european colleagues want the EU-the commission shall prevent that state aid is used to move jobs from one country to another within Europe.

Minister for enterprise Mikael Damberg has written letters to the EUROPEAN commission for making it difficult for other EU-countries to attract the “Swedish jobs and companies” with state aid. Arkivbild.Image: Jessica Gow/TT

Democrats say that “increasingly more” companies considering whether to move back production to Sweden. Then, the EU does not allow support to the “less competitive member states taking Swedish jobs and businesses”.

” We understand that the commission would be willing to go back to a system where it becomes possible to re-provide state aid to the business moving. It can not be accepted, ” says Damberg, by reason of the letter that he and the ministers from France, Denmark and Norway (which is part of the EU’s internal market) send to the EUROPEAN commission.

In the letter, requires he and his colleagues the tightening of the rules for regional investment aid, a type of support that is possible in some parts of the EU.

Democrats have a Swedish example of the relocation of production, where regional investment aid has been used, that he does not want to be possible again. It comes Cargotecs to the relocation of production from Lidhult in Småland to Poland on two occasions, 2009 and 2014. The company received the Polish investment support for it, and on both occasions it was in accordance with the EU’s state aid rules.

since Then, the rules have changed and today, would such support not go on. But Mikael Damberg fear that the commission, in conjunction with state aid rules, re-reviewed, may change the feet again and make the relevant payments permitted again.


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