Thursday, December 8, 2016

EU backs: the promise to protect the nordic operators from the runaway costs of roaming – Computer Sweden

the EUROPEAN commission proposed on Thursday an addition to the EU’s roaminglagstiftning to protect the nordic-baltic telecom operators from excessive costs.

– To use roaming as if you were at home, not raising the domestic prices or restrict data usage at home, said commission vice-president for the digital single market Andrus Ansip at a press conference.

On 2 december the EU countries agreed on a gradually declining ceiling for wholesale prices for data roaming within the EU 2017-2021.

also Read: the EU countries united on the prices for roaming.

Sweden’s digitaliseringsminister Peter Eriksson complained then that the risk is to Swedish and other north european telecom operators suffer losses.

Southern european EU-countries will in practice be able to raise wholesale prices, while the ministry of telecom operators cannot charge roaming charges for northern european retail roaming in sydländer, he said.

Andrus Ansip said on Thursday that the commission is therefore now proposing an exceptional volymtak data usage for the most generous and innovative customer offerings in order to avoid negative effects.

– Some operators offer obergränsad or very high datakonsumtion on the domestic market. Since it is available in some countries but not others, there is a high potential for abuse, said Andrus Ansip.

– Without the possibility to data volume limit for roaming, these competitive deals is threatened in its home markets, he continued.

also Read: Operators make common cause against the unlimited roaming – putting pressure on the government

the EU must protect the generous deals that are available in the nordic-baltic countries. At the same time, it is not fair to the other customers, who do not use roaming, would get higher prices, he said.

If the customers are not afraid of the high roaming charges increase the the use very. That example, said Andrus Ansip, when Telia in Estonia removed the roaming charges for the other nordic-baltic countries increased datakonsumtionen 33 times.

the Bill shall, after telekomministrarnas settlement proceed to the negotiations with the european Parliament and the commission for the final version.

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