Thursday, December 8, 2016

Telia’s customers have surfed for free in 6 months – but now want the authorities to put a … – the Week’s Business

Free extra surf for Telia’s customers is “a direct attack on net neutrality”, according to Swedish mediechefer. Now they get echoed by the authorities.

as long As you surf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media so it costs nothing.

The offer, Telia launched to its customers in the spring. Customers whose data volume is consumed, can surf on free on social media.

the Criticism did not wait on themselves; 27 English mediechefer – from, among others, Expressen, Aftonbladet, SVT, SR, Svenska Dagbladet and TV4 – wrote in a joint opinion piece at SVT Opinion that the offer represented "a direct attack on net neutrality".

"It is an attempt to test and push the boundaries of what the telecom companies are allowed to do when it comes to controlling content on the web" it was in the debattinlägget.

Now mediecheferna support from the authority PTS (Post and telecom agency (pts), which says that Telia’s offer constituted an illegal control command which is in breach of EU rules. The PTS calls on Telia and other operators that all internet traffic should be treated equally.

"in Order to assess how deals like these affect the availability of an open internet, we need to follow developments in the market over time. In addition to reviewing specific deals on the market, this is a question of continuous work to identify and assess the factors affecting competition and access to an open internet," says Emma Närvä, head of unit for electronic communications services in the PTS, in a press release.

PTS nugjort draft a decision to stop the free surfen on social media for Telia’s customers. Telia now has until January 4 to comment on the proposal.

In a comment to this Week’s Business according to the Telia Sweden ‘ s public relations person in charge that they will continue with their offer, and to PTS opinion concerns only a small part of the campaign.


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