Nuclear power is a loaded question for the red-green. MP wants fast dismantle a pair of reactors in the coming term. However, Stefan Löfven in the role of Metal Chair a true kärnkraftsvän: “Personally I find it difficult to see that we meet Swedish energy without nuclear power.”
Then he changed his costume to the S-Chair, he joined the official settlement line. Instead of influence and lead his party toward a more nuclear-friendly line has Löfven mumbled about a “broad energy agreement”. Löfven simply have not dared to obtain a negotiating mandate from the party for any new nuclear power.
In comparison to the velige Löfven appears Maud Olofson as an extremely brave politician when she received The Center accepting new reactors.
And velandet from Löfven continues. Dagens Industri reveals that the government has given the Swedish Research Council task to comment on a new research reactor. And what is the Social Democrats’ answer? Well, they do not want to say anything until the Swedish Research Council said its. The Council’s opinion will – appropriately enough for Löfven – until after the election. Voters may not know how Stefan Löfven see that Sweden is developing what are called fourth-generation nuclear power technology.
Thought Prohibition Act
It was S and Birgitta Dahl, who in 1987 introduced the development hostile so-called thought Prohibition Act, but it was actually S and Persson which abolished the 2006th
Annie Loof seems their part, have no idea of what has already been decided when she says that the Centre Party would say no to a research reactor. This despite the fact that the government of The Center now sits in has invested a lot of money on a fourth-generation reactor.
2010 decided alliance government over five years to invest hundreds of millions of crowns in a French advanced sodium-cooled research reactor at Marcoule in Provence. There is now a Swedish nuclear scientist involved in building the reactor known as ASTRID.
The Centre is thus with that we become co-owner of a French research reactor, but says absolutely not a Swedish. This political meltdown can Loof try to explain to voters.
In addition, the current research reactor with possible placement in the Swedish Oskarshamn developed. The lead-cooled reactor with a working name of Electra has its origin in a research project between KTH, Chalmers University of Technology and Uppsala University. This type of reactor can be powered by reprocessed nuclear waste and thus becomes a kind of recycling machine. Moreover, the fourth-generation reactors provide 100-300 times more energy yield than today from the same amount of fuel.
Swedish and international nuclear research plays a key role in climate policy. And given our proud engineering heritage and our ambition to remain one of the world’s leading knowledge nation should a Swedish research reactor to be obvious.
The straight news should voters have been able to get the prime minister candidate. He who on top of this constantly usually preach the importance of research, development and innovation. Löfvens anxiety on this issue thus becomes even alarming.
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