Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Google adds internet cable to Asia – New Technology


In order to meet the need for greater Internet capacity between the United States and Asia will Google along with five other companies to put down a cable in the Pacific.

The nodes become America’s west coast and the two Japanese cities Chikura and Shima. The three nodes will then be connected to the existing network that extends cable reach to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and several countries in Asia.

The cable from the NEC Corporation, six fiber pairs where 100 wavelengths gives a capacity of 60 terabits per second.

The total cost of the cable dubbed FASTER is estimated to about the equivalent of two billion and will be in place by mid-2016, NEC writes in a press release.

In addition to Google’s participants koncortiet China Mobile International, China Telecom Global, Gobal Transit, KDDI and Singtel.


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