Friday, February 19, 2016

Mobile phones soon more powerful than the PS4 / Xbox One – Gamereactor Sweden

“PC Masta Race!” Yelling often cheerful PC freaks every time we report on performance concerns about the PlayStation 4 and / or Xbox One. At the same time often flare up discussions concerning how powerful (or powerless) our new games machines actually, slightly raised in a report by one of the largest manufacturers of graphics chips for mobile phones today. ARM said, namely during the Casual Connect Conference 2016 in Amsterdam:

Nizar Romdan from ARM
“Mobile Hardware ice alreadyloggedin powerful. If you take today’s high -end smartphone or tablet, the performance is Already better than the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. It’s catching up quickly with the Xbox One and the Playstation 4 “.

During this lecture showed Romdan even up a little diagram illustrating how it looks when it comes to computing power. The graph shows the performance of the flops. Playstation 4 the stamina 1.84 tera flops per second, Xbox One 1.23. In a year pass our smartphones for more.

Nizar Romdan develops:
“Our view is thatMobile VR is the use case thatcould unlock the potential of Mobile for hardcore gamers. for once, mobile devices are on par with the PC and consoles in terms of experience When it comes to the form factor of the VR. We will not have the Sami processing. and battery life is a problem. But it is the Same user experience. That Could be a game changer for mobile gaming. “ Source

Good graphics skinning of next-generation smartphones, in other words.

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