Saturday, February 6, 2016

Professor: “We will never get anyone to eat bear crap ‘- Göteborgs-Posten

Brown Bear gut flora may contain the key to cure both diabetes and underweight – in humans. It believes Fredrik Bäckhed, professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy.

In both winter and summer, Fredrik Bäckheds fellow researchers took samples from 16 brunbjörnars colon. The study, a collaboration between the Sahlgrenska Academy, Scandinavian bear project, Örebro University and American Duke University, shows that the brown bear’s intestinal flora differs dramatically between seasons. During the summer, bear more bacteria in the intestine than in the winter.

– The varied diet during summer contributes to a rich bacterial flora in the bear’s gut, says Fredrik Bäckhed.

The explanation is thought to be that the brown bear to add on to sharply before hibernation. In addition to eating extreme amounts of food have the help of the rich bacterial flora – which means that it can be overweight without developing insulin resistance. Bear’s Summer intestinal flora is simply prevents the bear from becoming diabetic, says Fredrik Bäckhed.

– What is interesting is that the bears will react contrary to the people of the excess weight they put on in the summer. While overweight people at risk of developing insulinresistents that leads to diabetes, they continue fat bears take up sugar from the blood, he said.

And the explanation is therefore in the bacterial flora. Because when brown bears hibernate is bacterial flora poorer – and the brown bear become insulin resistant.

– Then take the brown bear’s body up no sugar at all out of the blood, but it sends everything to the brain.

Fredrik Bäckhed believe that the new findings about the brown bear’s intestinal flora can increase understanding of how metabolism and bacterial flora in the human digestive systems are linked. The research is now about to find out which bacteria in the bear’s intestines that contribute to or protect against obesity.

– We will never get anyone to eat bear shit. So now it’s about finding out how we can cultivate the bacteria so we can stop them in humans, he says.

But it is not just diabetes that can be cured. Fredrik Bäckhed also believes that brown bears special intestinal flora contains the solution of another food crisis – nearly a billion of the world’s population is starving.

– We could produce bacteria that increase the body’s energy uptake, similar to those found in brown bear Summer intestinal flora. We draw on large bills, one can imagine that such bacterial treatment could combat world hunger, says Fredrik Bäckhed.


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