On Wednesday handed Judge Gudrun Antemar a report with proposals on stricter laws against pretty role.
The Internet revolution will bring much good for mankind. But like any technological achievements in history for better communications between people there is also the dark side of new technology. The technology itself is value-neutral. It is the people’s abuse of the technology that is the problem.
Of course, you can not censor the Internet even if different totalitarian regimes try in the world. Freedom of expression is an inalienable part of democracy. Therefore, it is difficult to enact clear laws that limits freedom of expression. It should not be limitless. Hatred against ethnic groups is as objectionable as hatred and violations suffered by individuals. Not least young people who most use the new information technology.
Ante March inquiry is unanimous in its proposal. It is a strength for the government and Justice Minister Morgan Johansson (S) who received the inquiry on Wednesday. The investigators proposed a new penal provision against sex tapes, for example, private information about other diseases. The report would also make it punishable with unlawful infringement of privacy and updates the provisions on defamation and insult.
It should not be allowed to spread sex tapes, nude photos and integrity of sensitive data. Today’s legislation is inadequate. The political consensus would be great if that punishment tightening is necessary – but it must be balanced against the freedom of expression. Although it prohibits hate speech in Sweden, it is not forbidden to hold a copy of the book Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler.
Morgan Johansson (S) notes that the new technology can destroy people’s lives. When people hit by defamation and violations before the Internet revolution, they could move away from the tormentors. You can not move from the Internet. What was once sent out will remain online forever. It sometimes has disastrous consequences for people in later life.
The organization Children’s Rights in Society (Brisbane), receiving many calls from children who have been subjected to threats and hatred through various social networking sites and welcomes the commission’s proposals. The standing behind a blog or forum may be an extended criminal liability. The purpose is good. It will be tougher against hatred and online threats. That should also be the most ultra-liberal circles welcome. Hopefully it will produce a bill quickly. Hatred and threats have no place in a mature democracy.
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