Monday, February 8, 2016

Swedish submarines and fighter aircraft shows that we have not slept – New Technology


Implementation of the parliamentary defense policy has now begun. Bearing in it to increase military capabilities and thus contribute to an elevation threshold against military attacks. Along with the enhanced cooperation with countries in our region, the transatlantic link and of NATO partnership contributes to stability in our part of Europe. The reason is obviously the change in the security situation.

A high level of technology is crucial to raise military capabilities. Therefore, the Government took a strategic decision in two new submarines – A 26 – were ordered in July 2015. Just as strategic was also the parliamentary decision to invest in the next generation Gripen. Both of these decisions directly affect the credibility of the Swedish defense capability, but guarantees us a technological edge that makes us interesting as partners.

The Swedish government “took back” control of Kockums from German TKMS and opened the door for Saab was necessary . It was ultimately about preserving and developing the Swedish submarine skills and production. If not taken place had the Swedish submarine manufacturing most probably died a natural death. By extension, it also had had negative effects on the Swedish defense.

Swedish submarines have been specially designed for coastal operations, and to act in the special brackish waters of the Baltic Sea is. It is about a construction in which sound waves can be repressed in the salt layers and where the “quiet” motors makes them difficult to spot.

Not least, the US Navy has been training extremely hard to deal with Swedish submarines. While other countries’ marine has highlighted the qualities that Swedish submarine skills possess. Sweden has in this area has been a valuable partner in many contexts. Swedish submarine high class.

In a Baltic perspective constitutes submarine force an advantage for Sweden. It is an important part of the security balance, which is also beneficial to Finland, the Baltic States and our other partners around the Baltic Sea. This is a very tangible proof of how the Swedish defense, following orders from the Swedish state, with a unique weapons system contributes to the security of our region.

Similar reasoning can be applied when it comes to combat aircraft, radar systems and other parts of the Swedish defense. There are lots of companies, researchers, developers and government officials who have been involved for decades and created these strategic opportunities. We have a responsibility to safeguard and develop this heritage.

Sure you can in the general debate choose to ignore the benefits of the Swedish defense industry can provide for the security of our country. But then you should also be as honest and recognize that such an approach also has negative security consequences. It is definitely not good to solely “buy off the shelf” and make us dependent on what others want to sell to us.

There is also a Swedish interest that we can export. Ultimately it is about to get more people to share the development costs. Cost sharing is a way to create a reasonable cost for the Swedish defense. We should also remember that Swedish production provides an adaptation to Swedish / Nordic conditions. There have positive effects for our country’s economy.

One of the general debate, often overlooked reality is the fact that the high level of technology opens the door to other countries. It creates interest for cooperation, exchange of information, research and development. If, on the Swedish side is a know-how and development which is partly unique as this reduces the interest. Partnerships and relationships of this kind, both in the short and long term importance for Swedish security. Therefore, it is crucial to safeguard Swedish expertise and a high quality level of technology.

Peter Hultqvist (s)



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