He wants to colonize Mars, make us independent of the electricity grid and build electric jets. And then he will rescue us from the robot apocalypse, of course.
If you turn upside down on Tesla boss Elon Musk, shaking him firmly shedding probably out enough big ideas out to employ an ordinary man for decades. But the thing with the robots seem to be a recurring agony.
– If we assume some kind of progress in artificial intelligence, we will fall well behind. Even in a situation with a harmless ultra-intelligent AI, we would be so far behind that we would become pets. As cats, Elon Musk said in a live interview at the Code Conference.
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That, he adds, is also something of a best-case scenario. If we do not heed the warning Super contractor, that is.
– I think that in all fairness have to say that a future of AI is not always harmless. If we create some kind of digital super intelligence that surpasses us in every way, it’s very important that it is harmless, continues Elon Musk.
He is co-founder of the nonprofit organization Open AI. They market a kind of modern version of Isaac Asimov’s robot laws – an AI will work for humanity not the of mankind.
Less Terminator, more Wall-E.
– we do everything we can to increase the chance of a good future, says Elon Musk of Recode.
Read: we do everything we can to not be exterminated, enslaved or turned into living batteries in the Matrix.
What is the solution then – should we add the AI, robotics and machine learning?
– There is something that is very important, and I do not think any company seriously working on it. It is a “neural lace,” said Elon Musk during the interview.
Now it is science fiction seriously. Elon Musk wants us to operate the electronics that allow us to communicate with robots on robots languages. He wants to make us all into cyborgs.
Gizmodo describes neural lace as a “ultrafinmaskigt network that can fuse with the brain and create what appears to be a seamless interface between machines and biology circles”. A wireless connection directly into the brain, in other words.
The electronics are injected with a needle, and researchers have tested it on mice, at least in one case died of it.
The goal seems to be we can communicate with computers incredibly much faster with the help of thought. Today, our output is limited by how fast we can write on the keyboard or talk, and our input on how much we can see, hear and feel.
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by connecting the brain directly to computers, we can increase the pace and get our AI overlords to see us as equals for a while. Then we will not have may be linked, rested a turn around the illuminated track of a nuclear-armed killer robot with ulcers stressed home from work and have cute names like Smulan or Gizmo.
– I do not know many people who love the idea of living during a despot. I think people generally choose to live in a democracy rather than a dictatorship, beats Elon Musk fixed.
And the despot’s computer ?, wonder Recodes Kara Swisher.
– Or people which controls the computer responds Musk.
and when there is a risk that the Joker takes control of the world’s artificial intelligence and play us a malicious prank must Elon Musk – sorry, Bruce Wayne – of course, pick up the cape.
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