Friday, June 3, 2016

Programming on the schedule: “A rush job” – New Technology

All students in elementary school to learn to program. The Agency’s proposals for a new curriculum introduces programming in mathematics and engineering. But many wonder how the teachers to cope with the new task.

Last fall, the National Agency received a mandate from the government to develop a new IT strategy for the school. The committee was to submit proposals for changes in curricula which means that programming is introduced in the Swedish school.

According to the proposal, which has just been circulated for comment, the programming no separate subject but are included in mathematics and technology. In mathematics, it’s about creating algorithms and solving mathematical problems using programming. The subject of technology, students in high school have come so far that they can control and regulate their own designs using programming.

– It is important that Swedish pupils do not miss this programming. Today, it implies that there are enthusiasts at some schools, says Olof Andersson, director of education at the National Agency.

Of the responses shows that the majority are in favor of the school keep up with the digital evolution and that students learn more about how computers work. However, many people believe that the introduction is too fast.

Per Berggren, a teacher of mathematics, technology and science in grades 4-9 and President of the Swedish mathematics teachers’ union, called the proposal “a rush job”.

– pressing the programming as a central content without simultaneously removing anything. The risk is that the focus will be on keeping up with all the elements in place for students to understand the content.

He also points to the need for extensive training.

– Otherwise, the risk that is that of set theory in the 1970s. It is a directive from the top, but all the teachers do not understand the content and feel both insecure and directly reluctant to teach in these moments.

Although Teachers’ Union is concerned that teachers will not have time to prepare to teach programming.

– We see that the time frame is too tight. This places great demands on obtaining hardware on schools and teachers with the right skills. Even today there is a shortage of qualified teachers, especially in technology but also in mathematics, says chairman Johanna Jaara Åstrand.

Earlier audits including the Schools Inspectorate has shown that the subject technology is weak in many schools. The level is too low, teaching time varies and the lack of teaching materials.

– It is unreasonable to make such a major change without technology subject a guaranteed number of hours, says Torgny Martinsson, who is responsible for succession issues at the employers’ organization Engineering Industries.

today lumped technology together with physics, chemistry and biology in the timetable and together these threads 800 hours in primary school.

– We believe that the subject of technology needs at least 250 hours. Handicraft, which to some extent can be described as a technology for the farming community, which has been compared 330 hours, says Torgny Martinsson.

Several other countries have already programming at the schedule. In the UK, was introduced three years ago and as of this autumn includes programming in the curricula of mathematics and crafts in Finland.

On June 30, the draft new curriculum submitted to the government. When it can take effect is not yet clear.

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