Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Stick mosquitoes have received Swedish name –

Vårsvämmyggan thrive in flood areas around such as the Lower Dalälven and the Klarälven in Värmland. After a flood, it can hatch huge amounts and they have a very aggressive behavior.
Lack of clarity about the name can be a problem when the experts and the public to talk about mosquitoes. Committee for Swedish animal names at the Swedish Species Information Centre in Uppsala therefore gave mosquito researcher Anders Lindström, SVA contract to develop the Swedish names of all Swedish mosquito species.

The mosquitoes can be divided into different groups depending on their normal residence and ecology. The mosquitoes, whose larvae develop in meltwater puddles in the spring is therefore called tömyggor and those that develop in the rain filled puddles in the forest called the forest mosquitoes. A large group of mosquitoes that occur in early spring called vårmyggor. These overwinter as adults and thus arrive earlier than the mosquitoes, whose larvae must be developed first.

Even greater vårmygga
– The mosquito that most people are wondering about the spring greater vårmygga. The winters are often indoors and is remarkably large, cartoon with striped legs and dappled wings, says Anders Lindström.

Malaria Mosquitoes get their new Swedish name from the old Swedish word for them, frossmygga.

– I feel that the name of the malaria mosquito species of the genus Anopheles can create anxiety among the public for them to spread malaria. Although we had malaria in Sweden until 1930, the risk of spread of infection is now minimal. Therefore, I chose a less charged names, although shivering is an old Swedish name for malaria, says Anders Lindström.

Frog frog mosquito sucks blood
names can also seize on how nature looks or to other factors:

  • eating habits – frog mosquito sucks for example, only the blood of frogs and toads;
  • the specific ecological characteristics – tree hole mosquito lays its eggs in water filled tree hollows ;
  • where they will occur – light banded coastal mosquito is usually in coastal areas.
  • the combination of different properties – forest bird mosquito is a species found in the forests and prefer bird blood.

Even species that are not in the country has in some cases been given Swedish names. That’s because the mosquitoes with a warmer climate are likely to come to Europe, or Sweden in the future. The mosquito Aedes aegypti, which spreads zikaviruset in South America and is now established in Madeira, has been named the yellow fever mosquito. This is because the previously best known for the spread of another disease – namely yellow fever.

Yellow Fever Mosquito not in Sweden
– There is no risk to yellow fever mosquito will come to Sweden, but because it is in Europe and is a major concern internationally as it also took a Swedish name, says Anders Lindström.

the invasive species Aedes japonicus that spread north in Europe, and which could come to Sweden, has been named cemetery mosquito because it often establishes itself in cemeteries in new areas.

– They lay their eggs in blomvaserna on the graves and the larvae develop there. There is a way to avoid being eaten because there are few other animals that live in that environment. However, there are others, Swedish mosquitoes do the same; I have found a southerly husmygga several vases in cemeteries, says Anders Lindström.

10 most common Swedish mosquito species, according to a survey from SVA’s (now the Swedish name):

Auburn fall mosquito – Aedes cinereus
Marsh mosquito – Coquillettidia richiardii
Early tömygga – Aedes punctor
Skogstömygga – Aedes communis
Vårsvämmygga – Aedes sticticus
Sommarskog mosquito – Aedes cantans
Sommarsvämmygga – Aedes vexans
Vinkelklomygga – Aedes excrucians
Vitsidig tömygga – Aedes rusticus
Grey tömygga – Aedes intrudens


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