Friday, August 5, 2016

Researchers sabotaged for Tesla’s autopilot – Expressen

Tesla’s autopilot system has been the forum for debate in recent times following the death in Florida earlier this year.

A man will then have used it myself running system when he died after having collided with a truck.

Now a team of researchers at South Carolina and Zhejiang University jointly with a Chinese security company discovered what could be a serious flaw in the system.

“Had not been good at all”

they will present their findings later this week in connection with Defcons hacker conference, but already there is a teaser of what they will reveal.

After several tests, the researchers will have discovered that Tesla’s autopilot system more less can be sabotaged by using tools that emit light, sound and radio.

the autopilot system should be according to the researchers detect objects on roads that do not exist, and even missed items that actually makes it writes the Wired.

the tests were carried out on stationary vehicles using expensive tools where radio tool costs more than 750 000. This makes it less likely that something similar scenario can occur in normal traffic.

– The worst case scenario would have been that when the car is in self-driving mode and rely on radar, so obscured it and fail to detect an object anymore forward, says Wenyuan Xu, a professor at the University of South Carolina and who was responsible for the investigation.

– It had not been good at all.

Praises and criticize research

Tesla’s autopilot system uses three different tools: radar, ultrasonic sensors and cameras. The test revealed that only attacks on the radar at risk to end up with a serious car accident.

However, that requires a potential attack on the radar not only a very expensive tool, but also that it is done in exactly the right angle.

Jonathan Petit, professor of computer science at the University of Cork, both celebrates and criticizes the study.

– It’s definitely interesting and good work, he tells Wired, but adds:

– They have to do a little more work to see if it actually had collided with an object. You can not say that the autopilot does not work.


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