Thursday, March 31, 2016

Leaders: The school must make up the sample terror – Dagens Industri

How the investigator in the report “Equal, legally secure and efficient – a new national system for assessment of knowledge” that yesterday was submitted to the Education Minister Gustav Fridolin and secondary Minister AIDA HADZIALIC.

But it
is the test of democracy, perhaps no optimal system, but no one has yet been any better. It is not certain that it was so appropriate to abolish the examinations, in large parts of Europe they are still living in various forms. In the Netherlands, students do not move up to the next level if they have not passed the exams in all subjects. Examinations are based on an understanding that no one is served by authorized and have acquired skills.

     “The national samples weight grades should be regulated.”

The investigator’s task is primarily been to revise the national samples role. The proposal is to remove the national tests in grades 3, let them remain in Grades 6, 9 and high school, but only in English, maths and Swedish. The samples will be digitized and corrected externally, and its connection to the grade should be “special consideration”.

high time for the digitization and external, or better still central, the correction is naturally when the samples become digital. It is also good if not only considered but regulated the weight of the samples should have the grades. But rather than fewer national tests, we should have more, and more topics. They can replace other larger sample, other teachers can work on homework tests.

There have been one opinion among teachers that national tests “are stealing too much teaching time”, the President of the Teachers Union wrote in Svenska Dagbladet debate Wednesday. It is a remarkable sight that the samples are decoupled from, and the distractions of, education. If they are considered completely incompatible have to consider either the education or samples design.

Teachers Union also believes to their workload must be reduced. It would help if you rehire support staff gradually reduced over the decades, as counselors and school nurses. We should also extend the school year, the time when the children needed to be available to help in agriculture is long past.


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