Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Yes to the canister factory in Oskarshamn – New Technology

Capsules Factory Clink in Oskarshamn may pre-approved by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority. There will also be conditional yes to store more fuel in Clab.

The nuclear industry waste company SKB (Swedish nuclear fuel management) have the opportunities needed to build and operate inkaslingsanläggningen for spent reactor fuel; called Clink – or canister factory – a radiopaque way.

the state SSM, which made a preliminary review of SKB’s application, today,

in Clink the fuel will be placed in a cast-iron insert and then in large copper canisters – before its journey in the future, go on to the planned final repository in Forsmark. Around 200 capsules per year will be produced there.

The canister factory will be close Clab interim storage facility in Oskarshamn where SKB store the used reactor fuel in pools, until there are opportunities to dispose of it in Forsmark.

the SSM also said tentative yes to that SKB can increase the amount of fuel in CLAB.

today, the company has authorization to dispose of 8,000 tons of fuel, but waste company wants to expand the number to 11 000 tonnes. The increase is planned with the help of new technology and denser packing of the fuel rods.

For the larger storage should be possible, SKB would like to move the radioactive core components (fuel boxes, control rods and neutronmätsonder previously been in the core of any of the Swedish reactors but has been replaced by new ones) and today, then stored at CLAB.

However, SKB, must then apply for permission to placed them elsewhere, requires SSM. Among other things, the cavern BFA adjacent reactors in Oskarshamn mentioned as an option, according to sources on the SSM.

– Our assessment is that SKB has the potential to meet the Agency’s radiation safety for both the construction and operation inkaplingsanläggingen and to store more spent nuclear fuel in Clab. If the government gives business conditions, SKB will, however, need to take steps to create these conditions and develop a more detailed safety report for the facility, says Ansi Gerhardsson, head of SSM in a press release.

The review of Clink covers only plant, not the method to encapsulate the spent fuel in copper canisters (KBS-3 method).

SSM will submit its opinion regarding radiation safety in the final repository in Forsmark to the land and environment Court in the spring.


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