Google developed the computer program Alphago has won the legendary Go-player Lee Se-dol of Korea. This, in a series of five matches where Alphago Saturday won by 3 – 0
Alphago took just over four hours to secure victory over Lee Se-dol which is one of Gos giants with a total 18 international championships.
In advance had Lee Se-dol förutspåt an easy victory on his own behalf but is now best to come away with the win either of the two remaining matches.
– I do not know what I must say, but I think I have to start by apologizing, said Lee Se-dol during the press conference after the game.
– I apologize for not been able to live up to everyone’s expectations. I felt even powerless, said Lee, who admitted he misjudged the ability of the computer.
– Yes, I have great experience of Go, but I’ve never been under an equal pressure and I have not been able to handle it.
Alphagos creator, Google Deep Mind, the victory meant much more than the one million US dollars was at stake. For developers, it has been about proving what the modern AI can actually manage.
– To be honest, I’m a little shocked, said Demis Hassabis, CEO of Deep Mind, adding that the victory over Lee Se-dol should not be seen as a loss for humanity.
– Since the methods we have used to build Alphago is a general purpose, it is our hope that in future we can use technology to solve many problems.
the application of the technology, according to Demis Hassabis then be used for everything from making phones smarter to helping scientists solve several major problems in medicine.
in the past, the most famous AI victory was when IBM developed supercomputer Deep Blue in 1997 defeated the then world chess champion, Garry Kasparov on his second attempt.
The difference this time is that Go, a game with more possible situations than atoms in the universe, so far has been dominated by people because it requires what can best be described as creativity and innuition to play. Therefore, it has long been recognized as AI programming ring equivalent of Mount Everest.
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