Saturday, March 12, 2016

Scientists: SD voters have a negative view of humanity – Metro

Maria Sandgren’s research group at Södertörn University wanted to go deeper and explore what lies behind the party sympathies.

– A key result is that humanity and trust is a watershed between the Sweden Democrats and other voters, says Maria Sandgren.

in the study, people were divided into three blocks: a red-green with those who vote for the Left Party, the Social Democrats, Fi and the green Party; a blue-green with those who vote for the Centre Party, the Liberals, the Conservatives and the KD and a yellow blocks with those who vote for the Sweden Democrats and small parties.

– The red-green and blue-green blocks have a more positive view of man: that people deserve to get help when they need it and worthy to be loved and respected more unconditionally. In the yellow block, where one finds SD voters, and other small parties, the view is more negative, says Sandgren.

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the study also showed that SD sympathizers rely less on other people than what other voters do and that they often think that there are more bad people than good.

– the is a connection between having a certain distrust and a negative view of their fellow men. It goes hand in hand, says Sandgren.

Around 30 per cent of Swedes have SD voters’ way of thinking, the study shows.

– the social background plays also a certain role in how people vote, but contrary to what many believe, it is not crucial, says Henry Montgomery, professor emeritus of psychology.

►LÄS MORE: How many more men than women vote on the SD


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