Sunday, March 13, 2016

Will not be allowed to drive yourself “- Aftonbladet

In a year, the first self-driving cars to roll on the road in Sweden.

But that’s just the start of “robot cars.”

– in 20 years there will not be permitted to drive in everyday life, think Mathias Sundin, Member of Parliament for the Liberals.

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is self-driving cars a threat or an opportunity?

Soon, autonomous cars a reality and both politicians and companies have hopes that Sweden should take a leading role in the field. It emerged during a seminar in the Swedish Parliament.

– We have commissioned a study on autonomous driving. When we talk about this and that we are already in 2017 will have 100 cars in trials on a public street – then the rest of the world impressed. We want to be a driving force internationally to get to a regulatory framework, but also nationally to get the legislation does not prevent technical development, says Infrastructure Minister Anna Johansson.

Starting a small scale

Even in a year, the project “Drive me” which include Volvo cars, Autoliv, Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Agency and Chalmers includes having 100 self-driving cars on the roads around Gothenburg.

Volvo’s chief executive, Hakan Samuelsson, said Sweden has a unique position. That the Swedish model, with openness and cooperation, is the best prerequisite for the fast to be able to get a self-driving car fleet.

– Sweden is a small country and we are easy to work. With the right attitude, this is an opportunity for us and Sweden to assert themselves – to play an important role in the segment.

‘cute man drove himself “

It begins thus so small within a year, but then it will go quickly, and maybe it will be so “manually” run cars will soon be only a memory.

– I think there are people who will rush the new technology . There will be a public pressure that accelerates the development towards cars become more and more self-propelled. When the future ‘we’ look at contemporary ‘we’ will find it cute that you drove a car completely yourself at all times and find it completely koko, says Mathias Sundin, Member of Parliament for the Liberals.

Sundin also believe that in the future will not be allowed to run itself on public roads. However, he does not believe that it will be politically forced.

– I absolutely believe that it will [a law against driving yourself], but there will be demand from voters and consumers. They will find that it is too dangerous to drive yourself. Then there will be a place for fun driving, but when it is about driving on the track and a completely different thing than the usual business as usual, he said.

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When will vehicles be self-driving

During the panel discussion, participants were asked whether the driver can become redundant. And the answers varied a lot

Jacob Gramenius, Deputy Director General of the Transport Agency

– We will see them in Göterborg 2017. But five thio years they’ll roll on our roads.

Stefan Engdahl, planning director at the Swedish Transport Administration

– in some areas it will come fairly quickly, but the whole system is another thing.

John Nyhus, mayor City of Gothenburg

– 2030, the first residential district in Gothenburg with only self-driving cars.

Anna Nilsson-Ehle, director of SAFER at Chalmers

– we could be there in 2050 if we keep the current temop. Gradually from 2030, with certain areas. I think it will happen enormously during the 20th century.

Ola Bostrom, director of research Autoliv

– I think it will go faster than we might think . Customer satisfaction will come – and when it comes to new parts there, then it will go quickly.

Marcus Rothoff, Project Self-propelled vehicles at Volvo Cars.

– I think it will happen in 2020. that we will introduce an offer where you can let the car take over. However, this is done in some road sections and in some markets. But then it will go fast.


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