Call of Duty: Zombie Warfare is one of the year’s biggest spelsläpp but now meet a kritikerstorm. This then Activision will not allow Windows Store player meet the Steam-player.
Activision’s megatitel Call of Duty: Zombie Warfare launched on november 4th for PC/Windows, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. The game has is met by the relatively good score from the critics but in the discussion forums and supporttrådar, it sounds different. Even if the game does not suffer from any glaring compatibility issues or bugs to be sawed now Activision at the ankles. In particular, it is PC gamers that go in the ceiling after that, often in retrospect, have realized that you as a PC/Windows-player not necessarily can meet other PC gamers. Acticition sells namely the long-awaited speltiteln on the PC through two different digital platforms – Windows Store and Steam.
Shared player base to be confirmed on Activision’s website
What is not mentioned in the respective butikssidorna for the Windows Store and Steam is that both the versions will not share a player base. It means briefly that the player who bought the title on Steam can’t play with friends who bought the game on the Windows Store. A very strange arrangement that is made still more infected by Activision’s bad information around the arrangement.
Activision confirms that the two versions of the PC title do not share the same player base in their support section. Which confirms also that the PC players will not be able to play against Xbox One players, something that other Windows Store titles been able to boast of.
Can I play Call of Duty: Zombie Warfare or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered for Windows 10 on Windows Store with my friends that are playing on another PC platform?
No, you can only play these titles with other users of Windows 10 on Windows Store.
Call of Duty: Zombie Warfare goes lousy on Steam
the Problem is strengthened by the fact that the Windows Store version of the game is significantly cheaper than the Steam version. The game costs 479 sek at Window Store 600 sek on Steam. Traditional Steam gamers have purchased the Windows Store version is only in retrospect realize that you can not play with their Steam friends. A price difference that is also reflected in the interest in Steam. Infinite Warfare has, to say the least poor activity given the game’s status. Games like Skyrim Special Edition and the Civilization WE have many more active players on Steam in the last 48 hours, with peaks of 60 000 respectively. 80 000 active players. The classic title Left 4 Dead 2 is set in the corresponding active players that Infinite Warfare with highs in the modest 15 000 active players.
the Grade for the Infinite Warfare of players on Steam is not flattering. Only 55% of all players provides at the moment of writing the title a positive score.
In a gaming market where most of the stuff today is about bringing together players from different platforms rhymes Activision’s approach to Call of Duty extra bad. To PC/Windows-players would not be able to play with or against each other depending on which store the game was purchased in the feels to say the least obsolete. Which also makes it difficult for Activision and Microsoft to respond to the scathing criticism it now receives from the player.
the Shared platforms on the PC
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