Photo: Björn Lindgren / TT
the government has demanded an explanation of Nomad Foods why they put their factory in Bjuv with 450 employees. Industry Minister Mikael Damberg met the company on Tuesday.
– The news is that the decision is strategically located and fixed. But it also says that it is now looking to develop the innovative work that is in Bjuv, says Damberg after the meeting.
However, the meeting gave no concrete points of light for the employees who were given notice.
– My reply was that I expect that the company acts responsibly both towards the staff who are affected, the longstanding suppliers and to Bjuv and the region that it is serious when it says it wants to continue being a strong brand in Sweden. The most obvious is to manage staff in a serious way, says Damberg.
Nomad Foods purchased Findus as late as the end of 2015 for around seven billion of Liongem Sweden. Last March were issued with 450 employees in Bjuv notice. The production moved to Germany to be closer to the major markets in southern and western Europe, according to Henrik Hjalmarsson, CEO of Findus Sweden AB.
The news of the demise aroused strong reactions. Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, Labour Minister Ylva Johansson and LO chairman Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson has engaged. Mikael Damberg says that the fact that the decision was not preceded by years of cutbacks and problems and Nomad Foods bought so recently been contributory.
– This came as a bolt from the blue, and raised many questions. And I still have trouble understanding why you are buying a business in November and put it down in April, says Damberg.
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