Saturday, April 9, 2016

Mains handle one million electric cars – if they are recharged at night – New Technology

If a million Swedes would recharge the electric car after work would mains not cope with the pressure – however, if they are charged at night shows estimates from Linköping University.

Christofer Sundström, a researcher at the Department of vehicle at Linköping University has looked at what it would mean about a million Swedes got electric car.

The existing the electrical system could handle the increased power output of the charge and the heating of the house is controlled to hours when electricity is cheapest, usually at night.

for the electric car owner can provide a profit in the form of cheaper electricity. For a normal house with hourly electricity price reduces electricity costs by 13 percent, according to Christopher Sundström’s calculations.

Another benefit is that the power output can be controlled so that the house does not need to be secured for example from 16 A to 20 A.

Christofer Sundström has been based on the actual consumption of electricity in January in a number of normal homes. The heat demand has been simulated using weather data from SMHI

He points out that even if the electrical system as a whole can handle the load so there are large local variations. Depending on the conditions, power companies choose different business models to try to equalize the load on the network.

In an area with weak grid it is important to minimize the maximum power output. In an area with strong grid, it is better to control the price of electricity.

The research was part of a larger multi-year project on plug-in hybrid cars and smart “post-carbon cities” in which LIU pushed together with VTI and funded by energy Agency.


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