Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Macchiarini: Thinking Meeting Karolinska – Expressen

The scandalous surgeon Paolo Macchiarini in Sweden to be heard in the two investigations.

He tells Expressen that he intends to sue the Karolinska Institute that they kicked him.

– We are preparing legal action against KI force farewell, says Paolo Macchiarini.

Paolo Macchiarini is Stockholm to participate in two investigations of his research at the Karolinska Institute and the transplantation of trachea at Karolinska Hospital. Of the eight patients who received artificial trachea, six died. One survivor has received the synthetic trachea removed, the final has been referred to the United States waiting for a transplant with a normal trachea.

The surgeon who was Karolinska super solicitation is now at the center of the biggest medical scandal we had in Sweden for many years. And after a long silence, he speaks with Swedish media again.

– It is stormy. I accept that there is a controversy. It feels good that both sides should come forward now. I hope that the truth will come out soon and I trust the Swedish justice.

Paolo Macchiarini: “Miserable”

Paolo Macchiarini says he welcomes investigations and an open discussion of what happened.

– It is deplorable that all – until now – has an opinion based on a documentary that is biased – according to German producers – and totally misleading. It does not reflect the reality and the patients’ true medical condition.

But KI has dismissed you, what have you to say about it?

– It was a preliminary investigation found some irregularities in the recruitment of me, of my other commitments, and what else they wanted to find to end my relationship with the Karolinska Institute.

– I have pointed out – even before I was fired – that this does not correspond to reality. I regret that this has happened, of course. But I also understand that KI has been pressured by the media and all conflicts to this Decision. We are preparing legal action against KI applicable farewell.

What do you think is wrong with that you got fired?

– I do not know the real basics of farewell in detail. I think it was a hasty decision, not based on evidence.

The image of you is a person who takes risks with people’s lives. Unnecessary risks. What have you to say to the Swedish people?

– Imagine the opposite. The Swedish television presented something that is misleading. That we as caregivers at Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institute has made our daily job as a doctor with the patient’s best interests. Imagine that – as documented by KI’s earlier investigation – that we did not commit research fraud. And then you might realize that the image you received in the media is wrong, that is not consistent with reality, it is just an image that was used to attack an institution or a concept for other reasons.

Paolo Macchiarini are grateful to have their say

Paolo Macchiarini says he is grateful to be heard, and that he speaks for many professionals in Sweden and abroad who have worked with this project.

– They have contributed to the research progress of the patients. Always remember that these patients had received any other treatment that was offering and there were no other options. And patients’ medical history was sufficient for all involved professionals to consider this type of treatment.

– I think all the details should be known before judging someone. I believe that you should be innocent until proven otherwise. That is what I expect from a country like Sweden.

You say you are accused of things you have not done KI, the former colleagues, the media. But what are their reasons for coming to such accusations?

– It is quite surprising that I am in the media light, accused of all sorts of things. And those who have accused me get prizes. Which I can understand, like that is possible. But I am confident that the truth will come out soon.


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