Friday, May 27, 2016

Microsoft adds giant cable in the Atlantic – Dagens Industri

The cable should go from the US east coast city of Virginia Beach and Spanish major city of Bilbao. It is expected to be ready for use in 2017 and called the Marea, which means tides in Spanish.

However, it is not only on the length Marea is large. The physical width of the wire is comparable to a greenhouse.

And even transmission capacity is deemed giant. In full use should Marea able to send about 160 terabytes per second, compared with 337 terabytes per second in the present situation is the capacity to transmit over the Atlantic Ocean.

Today is calculated Internet traffic account for a larger share of the transatlantic communication than telephone traffic does. Two thirds of all under-Atlantic communication is deemed to come from Internet companies. In 2010 they accounted for only a fifth of communications traffic over the Atlantic, according to USA Today.

It was 2010 as the trend of adding internet cables under the water began in earnest. Then la Google a cable in the Pacific. The cable went from the US to Japan and called Unity. Now, Google has a total of five submarine cables, which a couple are under production.

In addition, Microsoft four underwater cables, this two and Amazon one.


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