Job Offer at Santa Maria was withdrawn due to Rüya El Hattawi, 20, wearing a headscarf. Picture: Private
Offer Jobs at Santa Maria was withdrawn due to Rüya El Hattawi, 20, wearing a headscarf.
In an attempt to resolve the situation the company asked if she could take off her veil during working hours.
- I’m not going to throw me off my identity to work in a factory, says Rüya.
Now the company has changed – the job offer still stands. But Rüya declined.
Rüya El Hattawi had a summer job at Santa Maria’s spice factory in Mölndal.
– It felt just fine . I’m thinking “damn what a relief, now I whacked summer job. It is only to be expected in the summer.” But it was not so, says Rüya.
Shortly after the job offer came another statement from the company. According staffing company she had gone through had been a lack of communication with Santa Maria – you can not wear the veil at the factory.
– Santa Maria had double-checked their health policy and they could not hire me because of my veil. I tried to compromise and said I could have the protection of my veil or have a special headscarf at work. But they took the bait does not. Then they asked if I could take off my veil during working hours.
How did it feel to get such a question?
– First of all, I did not understand if it was a serious issue. I was obviously very offended by it. I told her that it’s not a fashion accessory I go around with. I’m not going to throw me off my identity to work in a factory. She just said, “then there is nothing we can do.” And there ended the call, saying Rüya El Hattawi.
What does the veil for you?
– It does Rüya actually. It means “I”.
Never hit earlier
She has never been hit by something like this before.
– That’s why I was so upset. But now I know, this happens in Sweden in 2016.
The job offer was withdrawn on Friday. Then wrote Rüya El Hattawi a long post on Facebook. “ I refuse to let you illogical policy affect me in the future. Because of you dares women with veil not apply for a job, but I will not be one of them ,” she wrote, among other things.
And: “ I hope that you, especially my beautiful sisters in the veil, never ever get to experience this. I thought seriously that things are not happening until it happened to me. I know, unfortunately, that it will not be the last time. But never give up! Go to every job interview with head high and back straight. Do not be afraid to get a no. You are not alone. BUT, never let discrimination normalized. Report, say to. Do not accept . “
She describes the response as getting a slap:” I wish I could put into words how wordless, sad and angry I was. I’m sure there’s more here who have been denied jobs for one or the other. But, your identity will be one of the reasons why I was not prepared for. “
got the job anyway
after the post drew the attention of several media what she’s been through. And yesterday came the turnaround. Santa Maria offered her job back.
– It was really nice that they tried to solve the problem and apologized.
But Rüya declined.
– I told them that I feel myself and I know the second I put my foot in there, I will feel bad. So as I experienced it, it is not something you can forget about overnight. It is not good for the plant not to have an employee who does not do his job wholeheartedly.
Why do you think they changed?
– I do not know. First I got the job, then taken it back, then they want to give it back to me again. It sounds so unprofessional. They say there was a lack of communication. I hope for it because I know nothing else.
She says she had lots hatmeddelande after the event.
– They write that I stand for the oppression of women, and I do not have a place in Sweden, but I just laugh about it. It was I who forced my parents that I would have a veil. That’s me. I feel so naked without it. When they asked if I could get it during work hours so I thought ‘oh my God, it’s like they’re asking me to be naked. “
” We have done wrong “
Now, she no summer jobs, moreover, it would switch to a part-time job in the fall.
Several media have said that paid attention to what Rüya been through. Aftonbladet has talked to Santa Maria.
– Both we and the agency has been done wrong. The decision was incorrect and communication to her was wrong and disrespectful, not understanding her side and furthermore not solution-oriented, says Eva Berglie, head of communications at the Santa Maria to the newspaper.
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