The bug is in the command prompt popular Bourne Again Shell, Bash, Linux, Unix, and OS X has been sealed on most of the network’s major sites. The conclusion drawn by the security analyst Leif Nixon scanned by the security hole on the front page of a million of the largest websites. On a million surveyed the front pages, he found only about 1000 pieces where the hole was not sealed. But the dark figure, according to Leif Nixon to be great.
– My scan was specifically against the biggest and most popular servers. They tend clearly to be well maintained, and most patch was enough fast.
The servers he found the problem lies in the lower part of the list of most visited sites. Another reason to get the biggest sites infected think he can be that they do not use CGI scripts because it is not effective enough if you have very many visitors. But although the situation does not seem to be quite as catastrophic as feared yesterday so wish Leif Nixon not sounded.
– so long scans both good and evil pretty much blindly. With better knowledge of what to look for, it will find more, he says.
According to Leif Nixon pops it also constantly new ways to exploit the security hole . For example, the hole can be exploited by an email with malicious instructions in the subject line which utilizes servers where emails are filtered to execute malicious code.
– Location is bad, but because there seems to be about tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of machines, it’s not disaster mode.
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