Saturday, September 20, 2014

They slide around in the engine with Oculus Rift – New Technology


– When Oculus Rift came in once with Kickstarter, we saw how many heavyweights in the game world vouched for the project and then we were also interested. When we tried OR, we understood that there was something very special, says Niklas Lundbäck, Obscura Digital’s Europe-president.

He with its Oculus Rift and showed it to some managers at the Volvo-owned truck company UD Trucks in Japan. They experienced the same wow effect and decided to be the first among all the world’s truck manufacturers.

Lundbäck Niklas and his team took into CAD models of UD Trucks, lorries and made an animated movie and very advanced application for Oculus Rift.

With the application connected to the enveloping OR-mask can go on a dizzying ride through the trucks engines – and study them in detail.

– It was like ride the roller coaster, among pistons, nuts and valves. And a huge success at the Tokyo Motor Show, says a satisfied Niklas Lundbäck.

He thinks, despite the success of the company’s application, the is quite a lot that needs to be improved to Oculus Rift screen should be really good.

resolution must for example be higher. Today is the 1280 x 800 pixels that is shared between both eyes. The effective resolution per eye is thus 640 x 800 pixels. It is not enough for a really powerful experience. But it’s one of the things that Oculus Rift team is currently working on to improve before a consumer version. At least 1080 pixels (960 x 1080) per eye, the goal before a commercial release.

– There are no major problems. When they fix it, and they do probably quite soon, so will the mass market to be wide open, says Niklas Lundbäck.


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