Friday, September 12, 2014

The breakthrough: They talk with atoms – New Technology


To atoms and light interact with each other is well known, the research field called quantum optics. Per Delsing, Professor of Experimental Physics, and his colleagues at Chalmers belongs to the world’s leading research groups in the field. Now, researchers report on a unique feat; they have managed to communicate with an artificial atom with the help of sound.

– We have opened a new door to the world of quantum physics, where we can listen to and talk with atoms. Our long term aim is to tame quantum physics so that we can take advantage of its laws, such as ultra-fast computers, says Per Delsing.

Scientists are designing electrical circuits that follow quantum laws and that they themselves can control and study. These include the superconducting circuits in the form of an artificial atom. Just like an ordinary atom, it can be loaded with energy, but instead of delivering it as a light particle emitted energy in the form of sound.

– According to the theory is the sound of the atom divided into individual quantum particles. One such particle is the weakest sound that can be detected, says Martin Gustafsson at Columbia University and Chalmers.

The frequency used in the experiment is 4.8 GHz, close to the microwaves used in wireless networks. In musical terms it responds roughly to a D 28 , that is 20 octaves above the highest key on a piano.

At such high frequencies the wavelength is so short that the sound wave can be guided along the surface of a microchip. On the chip, the researchers made their artificial atom, which is about 0:01 millimeters large and made of superconducting material.

researchers’ results are published in the journal Science.


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