Sunday, November 8, 2015

Expert: Throw away your computer, buy a flat – Swedish Dagbladet

The cost of crime on the network reaches stratospheric heights. Home computers hijacked and is opened only against ransom, millions of credit card numbers is on the loose, and counted the attacks against businesses in land costs in the years around 4300 billion.

The figure will increase fourfold in as many years, according to a estimates from analyst Juniper. By comparison, the volume of spending in the government budget last year 862 billion.

This is because there are more restrictions on what software gets access to the mobile devices. Especially for Apple products. But even Google improves security in Android, says Hyppönen.

– When people ask me if they should upgrade their old computer with a new operating system I always answer “discard it and buy a tablet.” The surfing the web, checking news and weather, and pay their bills. It is much safer to do it with a tablet than a computer.


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