Friday, November 20, 2015

TeliaSonera connects the car – IT.branschen

TeliaSonera will make it possible for owners of old and new cars to hook up the car and get access to the same services as in today’s premium cars, and through new Telia Sense.

Service Telia Sense leads to car owners, except to keep track of your car and connectivity through wi-fi can also purchase services from selected suppliers. Services that owners can buy, for example bildiagnos remotely or insurance, in which the first out is Folksam and Bilia. With this, TeliaSonera takes the next step in our efforts towards the Internet of Things. and will be the only operator that can offer a comprehensive solution for the connected car. Telia Sense works on most models from 2001 and beyond, even those that lack native connectivity.
– Most of today’s connected cars are connected from the factory and are typical premium models. TeliaSonera’s solution is one of the few that are geared to be used in existing vehicles. With hardware that is easily installed in the car and a mobile app gives customers access to all smart services a car owner might need, in one place, says Hans Dahlberg, head of TeliaSonera Global M2M device.

The owner selects yourself who you want to share their information with. The service will be released in Sweden in 2016, and after that gradually in TeliaSonera’s other markets.
– This creates value for both the car owner, driver, passenger and providers, and marks the beginning of a whole new ecosystem for IoT services. Ahead, we see huge development potential and even more applications together with various partners, says Hans Dahlberg.




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