Tuesday, November 24, 2015

WordPress is done on completely – this is the most important news – IDG.se

The world’s most popular web tool has just received a major facelift of the new interface Calypso released today. In the throws WordPress.com php aside in favor of JavaScript and also launching a bunch of new features.

Work has been carried out by Automattic, the company that operates the commercial blog platform WordPress.com. During the one and a half years they have worked with the much needed revamping to make the sites more quickly and completely responsive.

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The new interface , you already have if you use WordPress.com. If you are running WordPress on your own server, you can get Calypso by updating the plugin Jetpack.


 Here are some of the new features in the update:


Discover the good material from other WordPress sites


The new function Discover collects the most popular printed on WordPress.com. It is very reminiscent of the fast-growing blog platform, Medium, and is presumably an attempt to compete with upstart.

Standalone app to Mac


Automattic also released a desktopapp to OS X that lets you manage your sites. Versions for Linux and Windows is under development, but Automattic has not indicated when they will be released.

Out with php – in with JavaScript


– Two of the things that made WordPress to strong, stable and powerful tools there is – backward compatibility and does not need Javascript – actually held it back, writes Machine Logistics CEO Matt Mullenweg in a blog post.

But now jumps WordPress .com on the train. Behind the scenes, they have scrapped the php favor of JavaScript which will provide faster sites and more opportunities for developers.

The source code is completely open


WordPress is already in an open source variant, which currently dominates online. Around a quarter of all sites using the platform.

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But now also Automattic open source. Full Calypso is out there for everyone to see on Github and it’s free for developers to work on or develop their own versions of the interface – something the company hopes will pay off.


 - Many think we should keep this property, but during my life I have learned that the more you give away, the more you get back, says Matt Mullenweg.


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