Monday, November 16, 2015

Windows 10 may not be updated as frequently as Microsoft promised –

Windows 10

Microsoft’s plan Windows 10 has been clear from day one. There will be no service packs every three years, instead of the operating system will be updated several times a year.

goal has been three updates each year, one every four months. The first released last Thursday, and thus should next appear in March. But there are indications that Microsoft will lower the pace – at least initially.

Read also: , Microsoft is investing in the corporate customers in the new Windows 10 update


 - It’s one thing to say three times a year, it’s another thing to actually implement it, says Garnteranalytikern Steve Kleynhans of IDG News.


 Recently updated Microsoft technology specifications to Windows 10. There are now read that “the goal is to release new features for two to three times a year”.


 In another part of the description underscores Microsoft that they will not look at the date when they are planning their release.


 “Although Microsoft is currently planning an estimated two to three additional updates a year, the actual frequency and the time frame will vary,” writes the company.

Read also: here is the best news in November update of Windows 10


 It has already been rumored that the next major Windows 10 update comes first to the summer, and so therefore is at least six months away. It is in line with what can be expected in the coming years, Gartner believes.


 - Realistically, we will, in the first years, probably to see two releases a year. Microsoft will turn on and adjust their processes in the first years, but I think they will come to three [year] eventually said Steve Kleynahns.


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