Monday, November 30, 2015

Now, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and other IT profiles invest in green electricity –

Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates

Just in time for the climate conference in Paris Introduces Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg a collaboration to promote renewable energy sources.

Together with other top names in the technology industry, they invest in “ideas that can change how we produce and consume energy,” wrote Mark Zuckerberg in a Facebook post.

In the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, which bet units, also includes Jeff Bezos from Amazon, Alibaba founder Jack Ma and representatives from HP, SAP and Salesforce.

Read also: Finnish game developers make success with low-power mobile charger


 How much money the coalition has to move with the unknown, but the goal is that at an early stage investments in companies working with sustainable development. They will not only stick to renewable energy but will also spend money on transportation, manufacturing, agriculture and energy.

The Breakthrough Energy Coalition in primarily to invest in the 20 countries included in the Mission Innovation also launched in Paris today. Member States, including Sweden, promises, among other things, to double its investment in green energy over the next five years.


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