Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Google goes increasingly offline. Now you can search without connectivity. – IDG.see

Now is the bot for you who is getting impatient of not being able to search on Google when the internet connection falters. If you use the app in the Android you can search even when you are offline, writes Venturebeat.

But even if you can enter searches as you can, of course, not eject söksvaren, so magical it is not. Instead, the saved search and the results will fall out as soon as you are connected again.

It is clear that Google wants to be constantly present in our lives this is not the first incursion into the offlinesfären.

also Read: Would you switch your bank at Google or Facebook? Then you are not alone

on the Contrary, this is just one more step in a clear strategy to increase its presence even when internet is not accessible. For example, Google has gradually expanded the scope for use of the Google Maps service offline, as recently as a few months ago it became possible to download some geographical areas to a sd-card in Google Maps for Android.

And in the spring, Google announced that it saved the files from the Docs, Sheets and Slides that the user last worked with. After the release of Chrome 55 at the end of last year can also android users to download sites and files so that they can be accessed even without connection.


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