Thursday, January 12, 2017

Shadow Brokers are trying once again to sell hackarverktyg stolen from the NSA – IDG.see

Seven Shadow Brokers are trying once again to pry some of the hacking tool that it claims to have stolen from the american secret service NSA last autumn. It writes the site Bleeping computer.

this time it’s a collection of malicious software that received the name Windows Warez that is out there for the 750 bitcoins (approximately 675 000 us dollars) and which, according to its table of contents consists of tools that exploits security holes in Windows and bypasses several reputable anti-virus software.

also Read: One billion user accounts stolen from Yahoo – state actor suspected of

Among other things, it seems to move if the tool allows the user to attack an unknown nolldagssvaghet against the SMB protocol (Server message block) in Windows.

security researcher Jacob Williams has analyzed the images with the Shadow Brokers shared and according to him it is theoretically possible that some of the tools can get around a bunch of anti-virus software. Like Avast, Avira, Comodo, Dr. Web, ESET, Kaspersky, McAfee, Microsoft, Panda, Rising, Antivirus, Symantec and Trend Micro.

of Course, everything is very speculative when it comes to the Shadow Brokers legitimacy, then the NSA would hardly want to boast about it tabbath. But the group has previously put out a "taste" of their loot and then there have been legitimate hackarprogram as opposed to the firewalls from Cisco, Fortinet, Juniper, and Topsec.

also Read: Infamous Russian hackargrupp targeted at the German election

Very little is known about the Shadow Brokers, except that they apparently should have taken his name from the video game Mass Effect, but according to Edward Snowden, and other experts should be involved a group of Russian hackers.


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